• ベストアンサー


全ての完成を待たずに、出来上がった順に送ってください。 英語でなんといいますか? Please send me one by one before all of them are completed. 上の文章を作ってみましたが、もっとかっこいい言い方があれば教えてください。


  • ベストアンサー

>Please send me one by one before all of them are completed. 目的語を入れればいいでしょう。 send me 具体的名詞 send them to me (by e-mail) email me 具体的名詞 など before の使い方は個人的には違和感がありますが、たぶんつたわるでしょう。 下記は参考です。 Please send me each part of them one by one as it is completed. Please send them to me one by one as soon as it is completed. Please send them to me separately; you don't have to wait until the whole series have been completed. until ... のところは受身がいやなら until you have completed the whole... 定番の言い方があるかもしれませんが。

その他の回答 (1)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

Please send me one by one before all of them are completed. 毎度です、一寸丁寧すぎるかも知れないけど。上記では「出来上がった順」が"そこはかとなく"消えてしまっている気配が、、、、 Please send me the work in due order one by one without waiting for their final completion. Even before they are all complete, please send me your works one by one.
