- 締切済み
またまた質問なのですが、 To often companies emphasis on individuals and personal gain in the work place. Individual’s goals, promotions and additional authority are stressed to much to make an affective work place. いきなりTo often で話し始めたら、おかしいですか? どなたか、口語体の文章に直してくれたらうれしいです。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
こんな風で、よかですか? ////////////////////////////////////////////////// You will see at some companies personal gains are considered more important. They are trying to make themselves look more attractive by showcasing various employee benefits like this and that. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// showcase = ~~~を展示する、紹介する、~~~を見せびらかす employee benefit = 従業員福祉、特典、恩恵 this and that = あれやこれ
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
少し意味が通りにくい部分は取り敢えず、暫く横に置いといて、 違っていたら教えて下さい。 Some companies are apt to put more importance on personal gains when you are at your work. They are trying to decorate the work place to look more attractive by showing off individual goals, promotions and stronger decision-making rights. 口語体は、別の機会に、この回答でOKの後で、