Our ethical judgments are inconsistent between evaluating actions by individuals or by governments.
Acts that would be considered unjust or morally unacceptable when performed by nongovernmental agents will often be considered perfectly all right when performed by government agents.
Philosopher Michael Huemer argues that the special moral status we grant to government, known as the problem of political authority, is an illusion.
Consider Michael Huemer’s “problem of political authority.” Do you agree that this is a problem?
という質問がありました。それに対する回答をしようと思い本文中から「Problem of political authority」について述べられているところを探しました。
As philosopher Michael Huemer notes, our ethical judgements are inconsistent between evaluating actions by individuals or by governments.
Acts that would be considered unjust or morally unacceptable when performed by nongovernmental agents will often be considered perfectly all right, even praiseworthy, when performed by government agents.
Huemer calls the special moral status we grant to government the problem of political authority, and argues that such legitimacy is an illusion, that nobody can have a right to rule, nor can anybody have an obligation to obey.
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