• 締切済み


サイトにのっていた文ですが、詩のような感じにも見えたので気になりました。自分の紹介の欄にかいてあったものです 分かる箇所あれば教えてください。 I have some SHOCKING news for you. You may be just DAYS away from meeting THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. いくつかのショッキングなニュースをあなたにいいます。あなたの人生のアイと出会う・・・・???? I have even MORE shocking news for you. You wont have to spend any money to meet him, and it shouldn't take more than TEN MINUTES of your time. I have STILL MORE shocking news for you. Even if this should happen for you, I will still owe you a GREAT, BIG, FAT APOLOGY. Quite simply, dear reader, this is a pitch for ME! Allow me a minute to explain. My name is Wuggy and I've gone to the absurd extreme of pulling a crazy stunt like this because I very much want to meet a VERY SPECIAL woman to enjoy and respect. Who knows? Maybe YOU are her. I KNOW you are out there, somewhere. But I recently realised that I would have to do something DRASTIC to get your attention, while weeding out all the CRAZIES, LOSERS, and DUM-DUMS who are keeping us from meeting each other. I hope the last sentence doesnt seem overly negative, but I think it's a pretty accurate description of the singles scene, for both men AND women.



>サイトにのっていた文 このメッセージを見てピンと来た女の子はメイル下さい、 運命の出会いになるかも、 って言っているだけですよ。

  • shun0914
  • ベストアンサー率44% (48/109)

これって出会い系サイトの勧誘ジャンクメールですよね。たぶんメールで送られてきたものではないですか? もしそうなら「詩」だなんて鑑賞してないで無視してゴミ箱へ捨ててくださいね。
