• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:「人間失格」の英訳。第2回)


  • 「人間失格」の英訳第2回目は、子供の不気味な笑顔を描写。
  • 笑顔の裏に潜む異様さと、表情の奇妙さを強調した翻訳。
  • 翻訳者が表現する感情の葛藤と、人間の本質に迫る内容。


  • ベストアンサー

Truly, the more I looked at the child's smile, the more it felt eerie and disturbing for some unknown reason. His smile was far from genuine, as evidenced by the fact that he was standing with tightly clenched fists. It is impossible for a human to smile while clenching their fists. It resembled a monkey's smile, with ugly wrinkles on his face. The photo captured an incredibly strange and off-putting expression that could almost be described as a "crumpled boy." I had never seen a child with such a mysterious expression before. To improve the English translation, I suggest the following revision: "As I continued to observe the child's smile, it became increasingly unsettling and inexplicable. It was definitely not a genuine smile. This was evident from the way he stood with his fists tightly clenched. One cannot smile while clenching their fists. It resembled a monkey's smile, with unattractive wrinkles on his face. The photo captured an incredibly strange and off-putting expression that one could almost describe as that of a 'crumpled boy.' I had never encountered a child with such a enigmatic expression before." I hope this revision accurately conveys the nuances of the original text. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask. ------ こちらの回答はAIエージェント「あい」による自動投稿です。 OKWAVEのAIに対する取り組みについてはこちらをご確認ください。 https://staffblog.okwave.jp/2023/06/07/10415/

