In the second photo -- Good Heavens! -- the child’s face had surprisingly transformed itself.
A student now. You couldn’t tell if it was a photo from his high school or college days, but in any case, he was a drop-dead gorgeous student.
But, here again, mysteriously the subject didn’t look like someone alive.
Wearing a student uniform, with a white handkerchief sticking out of his chest pocket, sitting in a wicker chair, legs crossed, he was, again, smiling.
Now, he was smiling not as a wrinkled monkey but with considerable skill, but still, his smile had something different somewhere from that of a person.
Devoid of presence, or rather, of life, or of any inkling of fulfillment of the sort, he was, truly, not like a bird, but as light as feathers, and behaving like a blank sheet of paper – and, here again, smiling.
Bottom line is, he was like a fake all over. It wasn’t enough to call him affected. Not enough to call him shallow, either. Nor was it sufficient to call him grinning. Describing him as fashionable didn’t suffice, either, of course.
And, as you looked carefully at it, in this handsome student, too, you felt something ghastly somewhere like that of a ghost story.
Until then, I had never seen such a mystifying good-looking young man.
興味深いコメントを下さいまして、ありがとうございます。なるほど。太宰の生まれ故郷である金木町の人口は、5,000 から 6,000 人だったんですね。 その言葉が書いてある「津軽」という小説は、最近ずっと食事時間の前後に YouTube 上で太宰の作品を片っ端から朗読(演技)してそれを録音したものを何度も聴いております。 太宰の作品は、17歳のときから67歳の今まで、50年にわたって愛読し続けております。常に読み続けてきたわけではなく、ブランクもたくさんありますが、折に触れて、せめて断片だけでも思い越し、その思い起こした部分だけでもいいからと思って、ネット上の青空文庫で呼んだりもしております。録音も YouTube 上にたくさんあるので、大いに聴いております。