- 答えを教えてください!
()内の動詞を受動態(受身形)に直してください! 1.Jamaica (discover) by Europeans in the sixteen century. 2. Today, Creole, a mixture of languages, (speak) by many Jamaicans. 3. Some of the best coffee in the world (grow) on the island. 4. Sugar (export) to many countries. 5. Many people (employ) by the sugar industry. 6. Reggae music originated in Jamaica. It (make) popular by Bob Marley. 7. Since the summer of 1992, it (perform) at the Sumfest festival on the island. 8. Every year, the festival (attend) by music lovers from around the world.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- monomi_000
- 回答数1
- 簡単な英語にしてください。
(私が)あっちの部屋に持っていったよ。 (あなたが)あっちの部屋に持って行ってたよ? こういうニュアンスで使うネイティブが子どもに使う英語を教えてください。
- 答えを教えて下さい!
能動態/受動態に直す問題なのですががどなたか教えていただけないいでしょうか、よろしくお願いいたします。 能動態に↓ 1.Soccer is played in Bolivia. 2. The photo was taken by Reza Deghati. 3. The main street was named El Prado. 受動態に↓ 1. They speak Spanish in Bolivia. 2. They translated the articles into Spanish. 3. Thay grow quinoa in the mountains.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- monomi_000
- 回答数1
- out of の意味
out of spiteはどっちの意味ですか? 悪意から 悪意の外(つまり悪意はない) out of order 注文の範囲外(つまり故障、注文を受け付けない) 上にあげたのは1例ですがout of の意味がいまいち理解し辛いところがあるので簡単に説明をお願いします よろしくお願いします
- on-and-off boyfriend
I had an on-and-off boyfriend of two years whom I loved, on-and-off boyfriend の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
I know lots of guys—Hugh Grant, Charlie Sheen, Jason Biggs, etc.—have done it, and everybody laughs about it. I struggled with my courage, and, yes, I've paid for a few escorts. I treated them respectfully and had myself tested for STDs; http://www.elle.com/life-love/ask-e-jean/advice/a14870/ask-e-jean-should-i-divulge-my-dating-history/ have done itの訳と、この投稿者は男性らしいのですが I've paid for a few escortsとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- status cue
Social hierarchies are based on people's deep awareness of status cues, right? status cueとは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- pushing papers
Prior to joining this office and pushing papers, I'd been an incredibly active EMT in a trauma unit, and I've recently gotten back into top shape. I'm doing a serious power-walking program, and I've cut out red meat and dairy and limited my cocktails. pushing papersと、ここでのdairyの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- 英文を添削してください。
「映画とその原作小説を比較しながら述べていきます。」 I will describe about comparing the movie and the original novel. 「だから私はあの事故シーンのモモエの行動を見て疑問を感じたのだ。」(見た、というのは映画を、ということです) That is why I felt doubtful when I watched Momoe's behavior in that accident scene. こちらの2文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。
- I'm rocking it
I'm currently homeless and living in a Walmart parking lot. I'm educated, I have never done drugs, and I am not mentally ill. I have a strong employment history and am a career executive assistant. The instability sucks, but I'm rocking it as best as I can. instabilityとは「自分の不安定な状態」のことでしょうか?あと、rocking it の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- 英語についての質問です。
Johnson was a President after Kennedy’s assassination. (ジョンソンはケネディー暗殺後の大統領だ) この文って正しいでしょうか? Presidentの前にaって必要ですか?
- 単数か複数か
「外国語を学習することで、自分たちの考え方とは異なる考え方を学び、日本語を新しい視点から見ることができる。」の英作文の解答例が以下の2つありました。 By learning foreign languages, you can learn ways of thinking which are different from your own. You will also become able to look at the Japanese language from a different perspective. By learning a foreign language, we can learn a different way of thinking and also get a fresh perspective of the Japanese language. foreign languageは単数か複数で何か違いはあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
I don't mean this as a pathetic, "poor me" question, but how do I come to terms with being alone for the rest of my life? How do I stop hoping that one day it will happen? I'm turning 30 this month and coming off a romantic disappointment (against my better judgment, I let myself get excited about a guy). http://www.elle.com/life-love/ask-e-jean/advice/a35897/ask-e-jean-giving-up-on-love/ coming off a romantic disappointmentの意味を教えてください。あと、against my better judgmentとありますが、何に対してbetterなのでしょうか?goodではいけないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 長いですがよろしくお願いします
My boyfriend is a kind, compassionate man who washes the dishes and walks my dog. I've been his girlfriend for five years. Last month, when we ran into one of his friends, he introduced me as his "pal." I let him have it! And I'm still angry. He's chronically late—I'm not talking fashionably late, either. When he arrived two hours late for our fifth-anniversary dinner, I almost castrated him! He's been out of work forever, and I'm tired of paying for everything. We talk about marriage, but he never proposes. He says he "resents" being "forced" into anything. He wants to live in the city; I don't. Once he starts working (whenever that miracle happens) he wants to live alone for at least a year. How long does he expect me to wait before he marries me? We're having sex less and less. MORE FROM ASK E. JEAN "Am I the Right Woman or the Other Woman?" "My Mother-in-Law Won't Stop Trying on My Clothes" Ask E. Jean: How Do I Get Over My Height? I just feel like I'm doing all the work. And love shouldn't hurt the way he's hurt me. Should I persevere? Even thinking of cutting my losses makes my heart seize up. He's always had my back. 1 I let him have it!の意味を教えてください。 2 どの都市か分からないのになぜthe cityなのでしょうか?a cityになるかと思ってしまうのですが 3 Even thinking of cutting my losses makes my heart seize up.の訳を教えてください。 以上よろしくお願いします
- 何のことでしょうか
I've been plagued by painful intercourse my whole life. I've tried physical therapy, hormones, creams, you name it. This pain has been instrumental in the breakup of my last two relationships. To top it off, I'm in early menopause at the age of 37, so there is literally nothing happening down there anymore. creamsとdown thereとは何のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- songbird voice
I don't have a high, sweet songbird voice (mine is actually rather deep and raspy), songbird voiceとはどのような声でしょうかまた、声がraspyとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- sign up for
He claims he was drunk when he wrote it and that he never sent it. Now he's spewing the same apologetic baloney as before. Am I signing up for being endlessly upset by discovering reminiscences of past lovers? ここでのAm I signing up forの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします