
  • ~があった 英語表現についてお尋ねします。

    「多くの考古学者がGandhara(王国)があったインドやパキスタンに国々を遺跡を研究するため訪れているよ。」 1A number of archeologists visit India and Pakistan in which there wasGandhara to reserch its ruins. またPakistan,where Gandhara was there~.としてみたのですが、自然な英文でしょうか?できれば他の動詞を用ういてあったと表現して頂きたいです。また1の文でin which gandhara was located/sutiuatedとしても良いでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • スマホ・インターネットが普及している時代の読書の重

    スマホ・インターネットが普及している時代の読書の重要性とは! 本は読むべきか、読まざるべきなのか? 読書カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。

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  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    Chapter Four In bare feet I light some of the candles I have placed around the room, and the cheerful light they cast drives away some of the shadows that have been tugging at me. I don’t feel ready to sleep yet. I want to think of something to push the uneasy memory of these fragments away, to give me something else to concentrate on as I lie in bed. Some part of me is aware that the old childhood fear could so easily come back to life now; the fear that I will wake, in a moment, to find myself old and dying, my life already spent. I can’t face that again. So I take one of the candles and wander the house with it, eventually finding my way upstairs. Once I am in my old bedroom, it seems the most obvious thing in the world to open the window there, and to sit on the sill, looking up the valley at night. ****************************** (前回質問させていただいたところで三章は終わりました。) 主人公のAlexはartistで、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに帰ってきています。 最後の Once I am in my old bedroom, it seems the most obvious thing in the world to open the window there, and to sit on the sill, looking up the valley at night.の意味が上手く掴めません。 一旦、私が古びた寝室にいるならば、夜に谷を見あげながらそこで窓を開け、敷居に座ることはこの世の中で最もあきらかなことに思われる? これはどういうことを言っているのでしょうか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英語の添削をお願いします!

    英語が得意な方、お力を貸してください。 添削していただけるとたいへん助かります。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 1. Photographers are drawn to particular luster of the area’s water, which owes its brilliance to the light that shines through the water and bounces off the white rock of the Dakigaeri Valley’s shallow stream beds. Another must-see attraction of the area is a section of the valley known as Seiganji. It gets its temple-like name thanks to mist, which resembles rising plumes of incense, kicked up by a nearby waterfall. 2. The village of Higi in Senshyu is known as the “Little Kyoto”of Tohoku, thanks mostly to the traditional architecture of the buildings that were once the homes of Akita’s samurai. Kakunodate was founded by the Ashina family in 1620, and much of the appearance of its samurai quarter has been unchanged since then. Many of the houses still belong to the descendants of these samurai families, but others have been turned into shops, cafes, and museums. For history buffs, the two most impressive residences are the Yagi House and the Guro House, both of which feature impressive collections of armor, artwork, and weapons that date back to the days of Japan’s celebrated warriors.

  • 意味をよろしくお願いします

    I ended up traveling to the other side of the country to follow that path, and my hard work eventually led nowhere. I went from having a trajectory of purposeful busyness to, like most people, getting what I could. Very abruptly, a lot of people, including people I thought were friends, lost interest in my activities and questioned the legitimacy of the lesser things I did for a living. a trajectory of purposeful busynessとlegitimacy of the lesser thingsの意味をよろしくお願いします

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  • 過去完了について

    I was a really shy child and socially anxious (I joined the Girl Scouts when I was 8, showed up for the first camping trip, but was too nervous to actually get on the bus and then I was too embarrassed to ever go back). However, I discovered the wonders of liquid courage in high school and became more socially outgoing. Still, I had only dated one guy and kissed maybe three by the time I went to college. I had only datedが過去完了になっているのは、I have only date one guy(一回しかつきあったことがなかった)という経験が、過去の形で述べられているので、という理解でいいでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    What was the moment when you realized you were worth more than you were allowing yourself to believe? Was it a moment? Or was it a gradual swelling? What actions did you take that helped you grow into this sense of worth? I’m asking because I can feel in my heart a stirring of this worth, and I see it eking out in bits of my life,https://www.thecut.com/2016/04/ask-polly-how-do-i-start-believing-in-my-worth.html a stirring of this worthと I see it eking out in bits of my lifeの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

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  • 添削してください

    日本語⇨ ワシントン大行進はキング牧師によってもたらされた出来事ではなく、各地で何十年もの間苦労してきた組織運動家たちの努力によってもたらされた出来事だとXXはこの本で述べています。 彼はまた1961年のワシントン大行進に至るまでに起こった紛争や妥協点について慎重に述べ、詳しく説明することによって明らかにした。 英語⇨ XX described on this book, the March on Washington did not bring by King, it brougt by organizers who have strugged for decades in various places. He also made it clear to explaned details and described carefully about struggle or compromise that occurred until the March on Washington of 1961. こちらの文を添削して欲しいです。

  • 意味をよろしくお願いします

    I’m a pretty direct woman who has wanted to reject “the rules.” I’ve tried to be vulnerable and real with men that I’m interested in, and more often than not, this sends them running for the hills. I’m starting to think that there is something to this whole, like, mysterious being-hard-to-get thing. But it’s just not who I am. Even if I did play this game, I would still have a body of work anyone could easily Google about being a feminist, sex-positive woman. Kinda takes the mystery out. 最後のKinda takes the mystery out.の意味をよろしくお願いします

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  • I’m 25 going on 45

    I’m 25 going on 45とはどのような意味でしょうか?「45に近づいている25歳」ではおかしいですよね?よろしくお願いします

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  • societyの意味

    When I was applying, I chose this college because it had so many great arts and theater societies, ここでのsocietiesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • The cancer was missed

    My sister has been diagnosed with terminal cancer—at 44, with children. This came out of the blue. She has not had previous cancer. The cancer was missed, her doctor was supercilious, her boyfriend finally took her in to the emergency room for pain after he became fed up. The cancer was missedとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • cue up

    (理想の男性を妄想して)In my imagination, we made out over and over, always with the cinematic lighting and the laughing and the holding of hands. I had so many different first kisses with him in my brain; I could cue up that imaginary footage at any time. ここでのcue upの意味は何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I keep falling in love with people who don’t want me. Or, to be clear, people who can’t. Friends with girlfriends, friends’ brothers who I see in passing, acquaintances who have moved to Europe. I had a fucking dream about Elvis and couldn’t stop thinking about him for weeks. It’s getting poisonous, because I can’t just be chill any more. I can’t be my own person with my own life because I keep giving my all to some imaginary life with another person who is, quite honestly, very happy with their lot already. It makes me feel guilty because I project so much shit onto other people who are just, y’know, doing people stuff. 1 ここでのchillの意味を教えてください 2 ここでのhappy with their lotのlotの意味を教えてください 3 I project so much shit onto other people who are just, y’know, doing people stuff.の訳をよろしくお願いします 以上、よろしくお願いします

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  • 疑問文

    洋書の一文に以下のような疑問文と答えがあったのですが、 Have you a black dress? Yes.But it's very small. この疑問文は Do you have a black dress? と意味が何か違いますか? それともこの疑問文は現在完了の疑問文なのでしょうか?(そうは見えないのですが・・・) もしくは何か省略されてるのでしょうか? どなたかわかりましたら教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • このジェスチャーの日本での意味

    日本語を勉強中の中国人です。添付写真のようなジェスチャーは日本でどういう意味でしょうか。よく見かけます。 また、質問文に不自然な日本語の表現がありましたら、それも教えていただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • このsometimesは何なのでしょう

    I think that there's a long history sometimes of us trying to suggest that, if someone doesn't explicitly talk about race, right, if you don't say these black players should be punished, that all of a sudden, the dynamic of race does not exist. 上記の英文のうち、次の部分は訳せます。 if someone doesn't explicitly talk about race, right, if you don't say these black players should be punished, that all of a sudden, the dynamic of race does not exist.「もし誰も人種に関して声高に言わなければ。もし貴方が黒人選手は罰せられるべきであると言うことがなければ。突発的に、人種問題の動きが現れるようなことはないでしょう」 要するに、火の無いところ煙は立たず、ということを言っている。反語的に「こうして人種問題が顕在化するということは、誰かが人種に関する問題発言をしたということだ」と言っているのだと思います。 I think that there's a long history sometimes of us trying to suggest that, の部分が分かりません。文法構造はどうなっていますか 「時々、長い歴史があると思います。」というのでは支離滅裂になるので、 I think that there's a long history. Sometimes of us trying to suggest that, と、おそらくhistoryまでで文が途切れていると思うのですが、そうだとしても次が訳せません まず確認させて頂きたいのですが、 us trying toの部分は、we are trying toという関係でしょうか。 もしかして I think that there's a long history of us trying to suggest that 「~ということを連想させようとする我々における、長い経緯がある」? つまり(something抜きで)全体を訳すと 「私が思うに、長い経緯があるのです。もし誰も人種に関して声高に言わなければ・・・・つまり、もし貴方が黒人選手は罰せられるべきであると言うことがなければ、突発的に、人種問題の動きが現れるようなことはない(=火の無いところに煙は立たない)はずだということを示唆しようと試みる我々の、長い歴史があるということです。」という意味でしょうか。これで意味が繋がりました。 しかしsomethimesが繋がりません。「長い経緯がある」とは「事実」です。一方「時々、我々に長い経緯がある」という表現は「我々に長い経緯が無い場合もある」ということなので事実を否定することになります。 「時々、地球が球体である」「時々、海水には塩が含まれている」これは言語的に支離滅裂です。長文を読んでいただき、ありがとうございます。

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  • 英文の訳がいまいち分かりません

    画像の英文はisから始まっていますが、isの前に、For example plastic sulphur, as it が入り、Polymersまでの訳がいまいち分かりません。お願いいたします。

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  • 英文 訳


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  • psych himself out of

    I know he feels like shit for letting this happen, and when he’s depressed he loses his sense of ambition/faith in himself and psychs himself out of even applying for jobs, but he won’t even take half an hour to write down a few things he would just like to have in a new or additional job. psychs himself out of とはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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