
  • I aged out of foster care

    I aged out of foster care,http://community.sparknotes.com/2014/07/11/auntie-sparknotes-im-temporarily-homeless-where-should-i-live-this-summer とはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I was recently accepted to an exchange program that would allow me to attend a school in a country I've always wanted to visit. The school is also one of the best in my discipline, in my disciplineはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • この英文の market call の意味

    今日の金融記事の冒頭に出てくる表現なのですが、 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-08/jp-morgan-co-president-sees-40-correction-stocks この「market call」はどう訳すのが正しいでしょうか。 In what sounds more like yet another warning to President Trump than an actual market call, Daniel Pinto, the head of JP Morgan Chase & Co.'s colossal investment bank (which houses its M&A and trading operations) warned that equity markets could decline by as much as 40% over the next 2-3 years - though he believes the present cycle has at least another year left to run. 試訳 「実際の金融マーケットの声というよりは、トランプ大統領にまつわるあまたの警戒感の一つにすぎないようには聞こえるのだけれども、JPモルガン社大規模投資案件部門長(M&A業務およびトレーディング業務を含む)のダニエル・ピントは次のように警告した。株式市場はこれからのニ、三年間で最大40%の下落を被る可能性がある、と。もっともピントは、少なくともあと一年は上昇サイクルの中にあると考えている。」 市場の声と試訳しましたがあてずっぽうです。

  • よろしくお願いします

    The other thing that worries me is that I am super awkward and uncomfortable in social situations. I don't like parties, and even the thought of asking you for help makes me want to throw up a little, let alone talking to an attractive girl face-to-face with no knowledge of her current relationship status, age, or sexual experience and somehow getting her into bed. If orientation is any indication, most of the girls at my college are very attractive and probably a) taken and b) way the hell out of my league. I have bad skin and I'm skinny as a twig. Basically I don't have a lot going for me. If orientation is any indicationと I don't have a lot going for me.の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • 定冠詞について

    Ever since middle school, I've resented the fact that I'm not known for anything. I don't have one special talent or skill that's unique to me. One girl was the artist, one was the swimmer, one boy was the athlete, and another was the comedian. Me? I wasn't much of anything. the artist、the swimmerなどはなぜtheが使われているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 下記の英文を教えて下さい。


  • 旦那「さん」って何か違和感を感じる

    妻が夫の事を「うちの旦那さん」と言うのに違和感を感じるのは私だけですか? 配偶者なのに何でそんなに他人行儀な言い方をするんだろうか…と。 「主人」「夫」と呼ぶ方がしっくりくるし、旦那と言うにしても「さん」はいらないと思うのですが、国語に詳しい方がどう言う見解ですか?

    • noname#230530
    • 回答数13
  • 和訳 quicker read

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします(外国人です) Skip the text that is highlighted blue for a quicker read. 青色でハイライトされているテキストをスキップすると、速読になります。 ※ 下記の頁の一番上に書いています。そして12頁で例があります。 http://sojou.info/4ki5k26b/EN.pdf

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The British infantry reinforcements were delayed near Suweileh by local fighting between Circassians and Arabs, while a Royal Horse Artillery (RHA) Battery also moved from Es Salt towards Amman with great difficulty, arriving on the last day of battle. Total casualties of both infantry and mounted divisions were between 1,200 and 1,348. The 60th (London) Division suffered 476 infantry casualties including 347 wounded and the Anzac Mounted Division suffered 724 casualties including 551 wounded. During the afternoon of 29 March, 1,800 rifles and sabres of the 145th Regiment (46th Division) from the Ottoman Seventh Army based at Nablus, crossed the Jordan River at Jisr ed Damieh and attacked the left (northern) flank which was defended by the 1st and 2nd Light Horse Regiments (1st Light Horse Brigade). This counterattack represented a very serious threat to the British lines of communication and supply to Es Salt and Amman and an infantry battalion was sent to reinforce the light horsemen. The Ottoman regiment eventually advanced up the road towards Es Salt capturing the heights at Kufr Huda north of Es Salt. The counterattack by German and Ottoman forces from the direction of Nahr ez Zerka to the north of Jisr ed Damieh on the eastern side of the Jordan Valley continued to threaten Shea's and Chaytor's northern flank. This flank, held by the 1st and 2nd Light Horse Regiments was reinforced, at the expense of the Amman attack. By 30 March the 1,800 rifles and sabres of the 145th Regiment (46th Division) from the Ottoman Seventh Army based at Nablus, which had crossed the Jordan River at Jisr ed Damieh to attack Kufr Huda the day before, were arriving near Es Salt and threatening the occupation of the town by Shea's force. During the night of 30/31 March, these Ottoman reinforcements continued to push in on Es Salt.[91]Bombing raids were carried out on camps on the Jerusalem to Nablus road between Lubban and Nablus, while the Jisr ed Damieh was bombed and machine gunned several times without causing damage to the bridge but the garrison in the area was hit; between 19 and 24 March seven more attempts were made to damage the bridge without success. During this Transjordan operation, aircraft continuously flew over and reported progress; on 22 and 24 March Ottoman units in the Wady Fara region were seen to be active, as was the Nablus base camp, and infantry and transport were seen marching towards Khurbet Ferweh and the Jisr ed Damieh.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    Today the river is the boundary between Jordan and the “West Bank” area presently administered by Israel and the Palestinian Authority, but in 1918 it was territory of the Ottoman Empire. The British invasion had succeeded in taking Jerusalem at the end of 1917. British General Edmund Allenby attempted a “raid” across the Jordan toward Amman in an effort to sever the railroad and resistance was met at Hijla and to the north at Ghoraniyeh, where fords provided means to cross. The river crossing was resisted by the Ottomans at both sites. The 2/19th Battalion (St. Pancras) London Regiment of the 60th Division tried to cross at Hijla, sending swimmers repeatedly across with ropes to attempt the construction of a pontoon bridge. Major Vivian Gilbert reported the events later. Many of the British soldiers were shot in the Jordan before the bridgehead could be established. Once established, the bridgeheads were maintained against the Ottomans, but the raids on Amman basically failed. This was the prelude to the Battle of Megiddo farther north in what is now Israel. First Battle of Amman The delay in the advance of Shea's force on 26 March caused by the terrible conditions gave the Ottoman forces ample warning to consolidate their defences. Nevertheless, during the battle small gains were made which began to make an impact on the strongly entrenched German and Ottoman forces. The attack on Amman began on 27 March and continued until 30 March while German and Ottoman reinforcements continued to steadily arrive along the unharmed Hejaz Railway from the north. About 4,000 to 5,000 German and Ottoman soldiers with rifles and 15 guns were in position covering the railway viaduct and tunnel while another 2,000 Ottoman soldiers moved towards Es Salt from the north. An additional 15,000 German and Ottoman troops with 15 guns reinforced Amman, while at dawn on 27 March two British infantry battalions of the 181st Brigade, left Es Salt to reinforce the two brigades of the Anzac Mounted Division (commanded by Chaytor) and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade with three mountain gun batteries, in their attack on Amman.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The First Transjordan attack on Amman (known to the British as the First Attack on Amman) and to their enemy as the First Battle of the Jordan took place between 21 March and 2 April 1918, as a consequence of the successful Battle of Tell 'Asur which occurred after the Capture of Jericho in February and the Occupation of the Jordan Valley began, during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. During the First Transjordan attack large incursions into Ottoman territory occurred. Firstly the Passage of the Jordan River, was successfully captured between 21 and 23 March, followed by the first occupation of Es Salt in the hills of Moab between 24 and 25 March. The First Battle of Amman took place between 27 and 31 March when the Anzac Mounted Division and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade (fighting dismounted as infantry) were reinforced by two battalions of 181st Brigade followed by a second two battalions from the 180th Brigade (60th London Division) and artillery. The Fourth Army headquarters located in Amman was strongly garrisoned and during the battle received reinforcements on the Hejaz railway, the strength of which eventually forced the attacking force to retire back to the Jordan Valley between 31 March and 2 April. The Jordan Valley would continue to be occupied by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) through the summer until the middle of September 1918 when the Battle of Megiddo began. During the winter of 1917/1918, the considerable territorial gains by the EEF as a consequence of victories at the Battle of Mughar Ridge in November and the Battle of Jerusalem in December, from the Gaza–Beersheba line to the Jaffa–Jerusalem line, were consolidated. The front line was adjusted in February 1918 when the right flank of the Jaffa–Jerusalem line was secured by the capture of land to the east of Jerusalem and down into the Jordan Valley to Jericho and the Dead Sea. The Capture of Jericho was also a necessary precursor, along with the Action of Tell 'Asur, and advances by Allenby's force across the Jordan River and into the hills of Moab towards Es Salt and Amman. The Battle of Hijla (21 March 1918) was fought by the forces of the British and Ottoman Empires during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of the First World War. Hijla (now called Makhadet Hijla) is on the River Jordan a few miles upriver from the Dead Sea.

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The First Transjordan attack on Amman (known to the British as the First Attack on Amman) and to their enemy as the First Battle of the Jordan took place between 21 March and 2 April 1918, as a consequence of the successful Battle of Tell 'Asur which occurred after the Capture of Jericho in February and the Occupation of the Jordan Valley began, during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. During the First Transjordan attack large incursions into Ottoman territory occurred. Firstly the Passage of the Jordan River, was successfully captured between 21 and 23 March, followed by the first occupation of Es Salt in the hills of Moab between 24 and 25 March. The First Battle of Amman took place between 27 and 31 March when the Anzac Mounted Division and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade (fighting dismounted as infantry) were reinforced by two battalions of 181st Brigade followed by a second two battalions from the 180th Brigade (60th London Division) and artillery. The Fourth Army headquarters located in Amman was strongly garrisoned and during the battle received reinforcements on the Hejaz railway, the strength of which eventually forced the attacking force to retire back to the Jordan Valley between 31 March and 2 April. The Jordan Valley would continue to be occupied by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) through the summer until the middle of September 1918 when the Battle of Megiddo began. During the winter of 1917/1918, the considerable territorial gains by the EEF as a consequence of victories at the Battle of Mughar Ridge in November and the Battle of Jerusalem in December, from the Gaza–Beersheba line to the Jaffa–Jerusalem line, were consolidated. The front line was adjusted in February 1918 when the right flank of the Jaffa–Jerusalem line was secured by the capture of land to the east of Jerusalem and down into the Jordan Valley to Jericho and the Dead Sea. The Capture of Jericho was also a necessary precursor, along with the Action of Tell 'Asur, and advances by Allenby's force across the Jordan River and into the hills of Moab towards Es Salt and Amman.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The captured ground was hard to move over and difficult to defend, as much of it was of the shell-torn wilderness left by the 1916 Battle of the Somme. Elsewhere the transport infrastructure had been demolished and wells poisoned during the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line in March 1917. The initial German jubilation at the successful opening of the offensive soon turned to disappointment as it became clear that the attack had not been decisive. Marix Evans wrote in 2002, that the magnitude of the Allied defeat was not decisive, because reinforcements were arriving in large numbers, that by 6 April the BEF would have received 1,915 new guns, British machine-gun production was 10,000 per month and tank output 100 per month. The appointment of Foch as Generalissimo at the Doullens Conference had created formal unity of command in the Allied forces. In the British Official History (1935) Davies, Edmonds and Maxwell-Hyslop wrote that the Allies lost c. 255,000 men of which the British suffered 177,739 killed, wounded and missing, 90,882 of them in the Fifth Army and 78,860 in the Third Army, of whom c. 15,000 died, many with no known grave. The greatest losses were to 36th (Ulster) Division, with 7,310 casualties, the 16th (Irish) Division, with 7,149 casualties and 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division, 7,023 casualties. All three formations were destroyed and had to be taken out of the order of battle to be rebuilt. Six divisions lost more than 5,000 men. German losses were 250,000 men, many of them irreplaceable élite troops. German casualties, from 21 March – 30 April, which includes the Battle of the Lys, are given as 348,300. A comparable Allied figure over this longer period, is French: 92,004 and British: 236,300, a total of c. 328,000. In 1978 Middlebrook wrote that casualties in the 31 German divisions engaged on 21 March were c. 39,929 men and that British casualties were c. 38,512. Middlebrook also recorded c. 160,000 British casualties up to 5 April, 22,000 killed, 75,000 prisoners and 65,000 wounded; French casualties were c. 80,000 and German casualties were c. 250,000 men. In 2002, Marix Evans recorded 239,000 men, many of whom were irreplaceable Stoßtruppen; 177,739 British casualties of whom 77,000 had been taken prisoner, 77 American casualties and 77,000 French losses, 17,000 of whom were captured. The Allies also lost 1,300 guns, 2,000 machine-guns and 200 tanks. In 2004, Zabecki gave 239,800 German, 177,739 British and 77,000 French casualties. R. C. Sherriff's play Journey's End (first produced 1928) is set in an officers' dugout in the British trenches facing Saint-Quentin from 18 to 21 March, before Operation Michael. There are frequent references to the anticipated "big German attack" and the play concludes with the launch of the German bombardment, in which one of the central characters is killed.

  • 意見・感想が何も浮かばない時に瞬時に答える方法!

    意見や感想が何も浮かばない時に反射的に、瞬時にそれらしいことを返す方法は ないでしょうか? なんとなく思いついた方法としては、 ・質問(問い)をオウム返しして読み上げて語尾に 「○○だと思います」「だと感じました」と感想を述べる ・3つの○○がありました。 と先に感想のキーになるポイントを上げそれを素早く考え答える。 ・ライフワークにしている課題に絡め意見を述べる(日々考えている持論を述べる) という3つです。 瞬時に答えるとなると、オウム返しか日々考えていることにつなげるか、 3つポイントがあります、などと区切り思いついたことを3つ話すなどの 方法しかないのではないかと思いました。 他にどのような方法がありますか、皆さんが工夫されている方法を押して下さい よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の日本語訳をお願いします

    Tell me your experience delivering ultimate luxury customer service.

  • お願いします

    Solar Systemについての文章があるのですが、そこに Occur approximately 4.57 billion years ago.とあります。 そして、Formation of Earth's Monnというところに 40 million years after the Earth initially formed: とあり火星サイズが地球に衝突し‥とありました。 そして、最後にHow old is the Earth? とあり、いくつか選択肢があります。 1. )4.57 billion 2. )4.57 million 3.) 13.7 billion 4.) 13.7 million とありました。 4.57billion だと思うのですが、では40 million years after the Earth initially formed:はどういうことなのでしょうか? 誕生したのは4.57billionだけど、形成された(今の形になった)のは40milli onということですか? (カテゴリを英語にしてるので、英文から読み取れる範囲の回答で大丈夫です。) よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします!

    [ ]内の文章は私が作成したものなのですが文法やニュアンスなど大丈夫か心配です。添削またはアドバイスよろしくお願いいたします。 1. I got my friend [to make a dinner.] 2. Sometimes parents make their children [sleep early.] 3. When I was at a restaurant, I had the waiter [bring me some water.] 4. People take their cars to service stations to get the oil [changed.] 5. Teachers sometimes have their students [read more books.] 6. I'm more than willing to help you [clean up your room.] 7. Before I left on my trip, I had the travel agent [double check my flight ticket.] 8. My cousin's jokes always make me [laught.] 9. When I was a child, my parents won't let me [go haunted house.] 10. We finally got landlady [check in at a hotel.]

  • 添削&アドバイスお願いします!

    [ ]内の英文は私が作った文章なのですが文法や意味合いが正しいか心配です、間違っている点があったら教えてください!またもう一つ(No.7のことです)文を作らなければいけないのですがアイデアが全く思い浮かびません…。参考にしたいのでどのような文章を書くべきかアドバイス等よろしくお願いいたします。 ※[ ]外の文章は既に用意されていたものです。 1. American culture has produced some great movies and music. Having said that [they have horrible movies and music.] 2. Drinking alcohol causes a lot of problems. That said, [I drink it every day.] 3. She wore a bikini in spite of [the cold weather.] 4. Many people love garlic even though [it has a strong smell.] 5. The Internet has made life much more convenient. On the other hand, [it's hard to know the truth from it.] 6. Woman are weak while men are strong. 7. Traveling is great for the world. Nevertheless, [ ]

  • 教えてください(至急お願いします)

    友達(A)に一緒に、私と私の友達(b)とご飯に行こうと誘われ、 友達b(日本人の子です)に「Aから誘われたけど、dinner一緒に行く?」と聞いたところ、「やらないといけないことがたくさんあるから、行けるかわからない。」と言われて「じゃあ明日までに(つまり今日)返事頂戴」と送ったのですがまだきません。(こちらはもう夜の9時前です) で、友達Aに返事がこないことを伝えると「Oh no!」ときました笑。 待ってもらうのも悪いので、「私はもし行くなら金曜日はテストがあるから、金曜日の方が都合がいい。それか、もしよかったらまた来週以降、二人がいける日に行きましょう(誘って)」 (Dinnerに行く予定で、木曜日の夜か、金曜日の夜、と言われています) と、伝えたいのですが、どういえばいいでしょうか? I have a exam on Friday, so Friday is better for me. で前半はいいでしょうか? 後半をどう伝えればいいかわかりません。 Please invite me the other day that we both can go. これであっているか確認して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 中国語の歌は声調がないから初心者は危険?
