- Did you not get a lot sle
Did you not get a lot sleep last night?に、 『うん、あんまり寝てないのもあるけど 私って時間があるならずーっと眠っていたい人なの。』は英語でなんと言いますか?教えてくださいm(_ _)m
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#253472
- 回答数1
- 英語の意味を知りたいのですが。
アメリカの漫画?です。吹き出しの英語の意味を知りたいのですが、どなたか教えていただけませんか? よろしくお願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ruco_terra
- 回答数2
- on a platonic level
About a year ago, I ran into a woman I used to spend time with in high school. We are both married, although she is going through a divorce. Since that day, she and I have been talking quite a bit. We discuss a lot of different things, all on a platonic level. platonicはcasualのような意味でしょうか?違うとしたら、簡単に説明をよろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
My boyfriend’s family is all very abusive to each other, and in turn, it’s all he knows. He is a very sweet and loving person, but if even mildly agitated, he’ll call me names and scream at me that I’m crazy. ここでのin turnはどのように訳したら良いでしょうか?あと、if even mildly agitatedの意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします
- 添削してください
I'm booking 101 XX. If you have other room, can I change it? If possible, I'd like to change room that a little apart from the bathroom. 101のXXという部屋を予約しています。 もし他の部屋が空いていれば変えることできますか? 可能であれば、バスルームから少し離れた部屋がいいです。 という文章にしたつもりです。 こちらの文の添削をお願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- topsakura_8520
- 回答数3
- co-optという単語
My stepmom has always had an odd habit of trying to co-opt my parents’ shared history to minimize my mother’s role. For example, someone will tell a story that happened in the ’80s, when my brother and I were toddlers, and my stepmom will remark on how she remembers or was present at that event, even though this was years before my parents broke up. This year, it feels like my stepmom has taken it further. Knowing my mom has a three-hour drive home and doesn’t like to drive at night, my stepmom maneuvered to move the family meal to 5 p.m.—too late for my mom to join. When the rest of the family decided to do an early light lunch followed by the later meal, my stepmom barred my father from attending and insisted that my mom be out of the house before she arrives. This morning, I happened across my stepmom making a cake. When I asked what kind, I was surprised to hear it was the traditional recipe that my mom has made every year for us since we were young. Family lore is that when we were toddlers and my parents were struggling financially, my mom used to bake this cake and sell it to local bakeries that would then resell as their own; it’s that good and, as a result, that special. It’s an act of love she does for us kids on holidays and birthdays. While I know rationally that it’s just a cake, the fact my stepmom has co-opted this recipe has me feeling enraged. 2回出てくるco-optの訳し方を教えてください。2番目はchoseと言い換えられるのでしょうか?co-optは何かの略でしょうか? I get co-opted by the system. : 私は、システムから選出されました 「システムから選出された」とはどういうことでしょうか? よろしくお願いします
- 英語が正しいか見ていただきたいです(>_<)
なぜ私の写真がみたいの?or ほしいの?は英語にすると、 why on earth do you want my picture?で問題ないですか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#253472
- 回答数2
- よろしくお願いします
I have been struggling with my son for a long time and just don’t know how to get through to him. He started out being very impulsive as a young child, not thinking things through, getting aggressive with other children, and not listening. Once he entered grade school, the aggressive behavior toned down significantly, thank goodness, and he appeared to be listening to his teachers. At home is a different story. I’ve been divorced from my son’s father since he was 2½ years old, but up until recently he still maintained contact with him. I attributed many of his behaviors to his father’s leniency and lack of discipline. However, my son is 9 now and no longer has contact with his father, who is a deadbeat. My son continues to push me over the edge by not listening even though I am very clear on my expectations of him. He struggles with basic tasks like bathing himself properly, brushing his teeth, and flushing the toilet. It doesn’t seem natural that I should have to do these things for him at this stage of his development. He is very clingy for a child his age—he cannot seem to find ways to entertain himself and does not have any consistent friendships with other kids. I get so frustrated that much of the time I resort to yelling and even slapping him. I have also removed toys and privileges, which he has done little to earn back. He started out being very impulsive as a young child,の訳を教えてください。あと、privilegesですが、「特典を取り上げた」?とはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 英文の邦訳
From a theoretical perspective, options theory suggests that debt holders are also residual claimants, although empirically one only sees them voting when the corporation is in distress, if at all. 上記英文で,特にone onlyをどのように理解できるか思案しています。この点に留意して邦訳をお願いします。尚,options theoryは「オプション理論」,residual claimantsは「残余請求者」となります。
- 10 USDはテンユーエスディーと言いますか?テン
10 USDはテンユーエスディーと言いますか?テンユーエスダラーズ?テンユーエスダラーですか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- america2028
- 回答数3
- 英語にしていただけないでしょうか?
英語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m 『さっきのは変な人の写真。 凄く大きなスティッチを自転車乗せて走ってたから写真撮ったの。』
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#253472
- 回答数1
- お客様に「急がなくて良いですよ」と敬語で言うには?
もっと畏まった言葉で言いたい場合は 何て言えば良いでしょうか? 「お急ぎ」を入れるのでしょうか?
- 締切済み
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- gtjcgckwk
- 回答数4
- 英語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m
英語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m 『ご縁があればあなたも見つかるよ。 私も日本人とはすぐ別れちゃって 今は縁があってアメリカの人と付き合ってるよ。 あなたもきっといい人見つかるよ』
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#253472
- 回答数3
- 英語 音節 cake make…
- 英語 音節 シラブル
英語の音節について質問があるのですが、音節が1つだけの代表的な単語の例は何があげられますか?(例えば、音節が1つな単語は、pleaseやbroughtが挙げられますよね。) できればたくさん教えて頂けると助かります。