
  • 英語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    英語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m 『インクレディブル2見に行くの? いいなぁ* 家族と? てか、写真のTシャツ、日本語じゃない? かわいい(笑)』

    • noname#253472
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  • that節について

    I’m a single woman with a large extended family. I cope with the enormous project of buying Christmas presents by getting them very early. Everyone in my family knows this; it’s the family joke that I have all my presents purchased by Halloween. My brother’s wife, Jean, sent out a group text last week saying they have decided not to exchange gifts with the extended family and would only be getting gifts for each other and their own kids. They have five kids, both together and via previous marriages, so I understand, but would have appreciated more notice. My mom asked what I was going to do, and I said I’d keep the gifts for the kids but return the ones I got for my brother and Jean. Unfortunately, my dad, the family bigmouth, overheard us and told my brother. This weekend, Jean made a snide remark about how I didn’t understand the “true meaning of Christmas” and how I’m withholding their gifts simply because I’m not getting anything in return. In the moment, I snapped that she doesn’t get to spend my money for me, but on reflection I’m a little afraid she’s right. it’s the family joke thatとI snapped thatはなぜthat節がとれるのでしょうか?決まりがあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 不定詞の使い方がわかりません

    The commuter trains are filled with people to read newspaper. の不定詞がダメで(解答はreading) Who was the first person to reach the South Pole? の不定詞が大丈夫な理由がわかりません。 どちらも修飾で使っていますよね? どなたか回答よろしくお願いします

  • he reviewなのに sがつかない?

    Toeicの問題の選択肢で To request that he review a book. というのがあるんですが、なぜ3人称単数のSがつかないんでしょうか?

    • y_k_w58
    • 回答数5
  • 日本語、、、某知事が、出合い系にはまって、若い女性


  • よろしくお願いします

    I’m recently engaged (within the last six months) to a wonderful dude with two equally wonderful children (7 and 10, who are with us about 60 percent of the time). We’ve recently adopted a puppy. I’m childless and have wanted a dog desperately for approximately 25 years. Based on a variety of factors, I’m probably not going to have my own biological children. Am I allowed to have professional photos taken of the dog while he’s still a baby? There’s a giant part of me that says, “Yup—you’re childless and will remain so, sure you can get puppy photos done,” and there’s a big part of me that says, “Absolutely not, any professional photos need to include the kids and it’s not appropriate for you to do this/be in any of them without your fiancé and the kids.” Thoughts? A: Never has the phrase “Others abide our question/ Thou art free” seemed quite so fitting. I think that you can get professional photos taken in whatever configuration you like! It doesn’t sound like these pictures are going on your engagement announcement or wedding invitations—you just want to spend some money on professional pictures with you and your new puppy. That is fine! It is your money, and your dog; if you want to wrangle a puppy into a photography studio and pose for pictures, then you have my blessing. ここでのconfigurationはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、if you want to wrangle a puppy into a photography studio and pose for pictures, then you have my blessing.の和訳もお願いします。よろしくお願いします

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  • 意味を教えてください

    My husband and I love the great outdoors and have taken our daughter to every national park in the state. She is 11. My two sisters have girls of their own. We took them all for a week this summer to a lake to see how a cousins camping trip would go. to see how a cousins camping trip would goの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • taken it upon herself

    Grandma is very, very religious and has taken it upon herself to attempt to convert our new 2-month-old son. taken it upon herself to attempt to convert our new 2-month-old sonは「新しい2歳の息子を改宗しようと試みることを買ってでた」で良いでしょうか?has tried to attempt to~と言っても同じような気がするのですが、どうなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I’m 24 and have been dating a girl, “Emily,” for about four months now, and I’ve never been more in love with a woman. I know it’s early, but I really think she is “the one.” Emily is 26 and was always upfront that she is a single mom with a young son. I haven’t met him yet, which seemed OK; I understood her taking time for us to meet. I understood her taking time for us to meet.の和訳を教えてください。少しこの文の使い方が難しいのですが、出来れば似たような文の例文を他にください。よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I can cheerfully sign off on about 80 percent of what you’re proposing saying to your daughter. http://www.slate.com/articles/life/dear_prudence/2017/12/dear_prudence_are_you_supposed_to_feel_something_when_you_ve_found_the_one.html?via=rubric_recirc_recent 和訳をお願いします。proposing sayingは動詞が二つ重なっているのですが、文法的解説をお願いします。よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    My 12-year-old daughter is not a pretty child. I know that makes me sound like a terrible parent, but it’s relevant to the question. I love her, and that makes her beautiful to me, but she doesn’t hit a lot of aesthetic markers for beauty. She has lots of other good qualities—academically, she is well ahead of the curve,she’s very compassionate, and she’s really a very sweet girl. Her schoolmates, however, prefer to focus on her physical appearance, and there’s been some bullying this year. My wife always reassures her that the girls are just jealous, that she’s going to be more beautiful than any of them—the whole ugly duckling skit. However, I was an ugly little kid—there was a lot going on—and I knew it; I had a mirror. The lies my parents told me to comfort me just made me feel worse, because how terrible must it be to ugly that they’d lie to me about it? the whole ugly duckling skitはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、how terrible must it be to ugly that they’d lie to me about it? の和訳もお願いします。to uglyは見たことがない形なのですが、ミスプリでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 英語の文章を日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    はじめまして。 自分の投稿した画像についたコメントについて、返信をしたいのですが、 英語なので読めずに困っています。 どなたか日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか。 コメントは以下のものになります。 This is amazing, keep it up.I've been working on a new technique recently on my page and would love some feedback.drop a like if you enjoy it. Thank you. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • usingについて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教えお教えいただけないでしょうか? Clinical trials are conducted using products that the government has not approved yet. (1)usingを文法的にどう考えたらよろしいでしょうか? 受け身の後に目的語が来ているように思います。 もしかしまして文法的に誤りでしょうか? ご指導のほどお願い致します。

    • cia1078
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  • 解説をよろしくお願いします

    He doesn’t want kids and never has, whereas I’ve always wanted to be a mom. The last time the subject came up, he said he would “let our relationship grow until I genuinely want to have children with you,” but that for now, the thought of having kids scares him. that for nowの解説をよろしくお願いします

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  • 翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m Yep five hours, but if we go fast only 4 hours (Moon satisfied) Oh well I hope you enjoyed your days off! I only have one more day off then I also have to go back to work (oh no!)(oh no!)(oh no!)(oh no!) But I'm going to be going to sleep now, I hope you have a great rest of your day ! I'll text you when I wake up to see if you're still awake ! (moon grin)(moon grin) Good night! (please!)(oops)

    • noname#253472
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  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    教員採用試験の過去問の自由英作文の課題を解いてみました。突っ込み所満載だと思うので時間のある方のみで結構ですのでご教授下さい。 題目:高等学校の英語の授業で、電子メールの良い点と悪い点について書かれた単元を取り上げる。その単元の最初の授業でsmall talkをするとき、あなたが生徒に聞かせる英語を130語程度で書きなさい。 From today we are going to learn the topic that "good points and bad points of e-mail". What do you think of it? I think good point of e-mail is ″its convenience”.For example, you can send e-mail for free to all over the world immediately wherever you are. You can also send other attached files at same time. Bad point is that e-mail is "digital signature". It means you can't handle e-mail without gadgets so, you always have to possess it. What is worse sending e-mail with using gadgets is difficult for people who is not good at computers. Only those who are familiar with that can send e-mails. These are my opinions. How about your opinions? Let's start taking look at this topic. 本日より「電子メールの良い点悪い点について」のトピックにについて入っていきます。みなさんはどう思いますか。私が思うに良い点は「その利便性」にあると思います。例えば、e-mailは何処にいても世界中に瞬時に無料で送ることができます。また、その他の添付ファイルも同時に送ることもできます。 悪い点は、e-mailが電子信号であるということです。つまり、電子情報機器なしではe-mailを操作することができないのです。さらに悪いことに電子機器を使っての電子メールの送信は、ガジェット操作が不得意な人には難しいのです。それらに精通した人のみしかe-mailを送ることができないのです。 これらは私の意見です。あなたがたの意見はどうでしょうか。それではこのトピックを見ていきましょう。

  • 英文の邦訳

    In the end, we do best by allowing activist shareholders to bet their assets on their ability to persuade sophisticated institutional investors that they are right in their assessment of portfolio company strategy. 上記英文の邦訳をお願いします。

    • jubu
    • 回答数5
  • 英文について

    So agreeable did he find it that he returned there in both of the two succeeding summers. この英文の役がわかりません。 なぜ形容詞の後にdidがきているのでしょうか? 英語にお詳しい方よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語のGardenやtunnelの発音について。

    Gardening(庭仕事)は、ガードゥニン、 Tunnel(トンネル)は、タナル(タナウ)と発音しますが、この場合のeやnは黙字(サイレント)なのでしょうか?

  • 英語 アクセント


    • 0612abc
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