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British Ships Embark Troops to Peninsula and ANZACs Land in Anzac Cove

  • At 01:00 on 25 April, British ships began embarking troops to the peninsula. By 02:30, the ships headed towards Anzac Cove. However, due to a mistake, the first ANZAC troops landed one mile north of their intended location. They faced steep cliffs and ridges instead of an open beach.
  • At around 04:30, Turkish sentries opened fire on the ANZACs, but they had already landed at Anzac Cove. The hills surrounding the cove provided some protection from Turkish artillery fire. The Royal Navy began firing at targets in the hills shortly after the landing.
  • The ANZAC troops were initially disorganized due to the confusion in their landing locations. They were under small arms fire from the Turkish 4th Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment. The Turkish defenses further south at Gaba Tepe were stronger and equipped with artillery guns.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>At 01:00 on 25 April the British ships stopped at sea, and thirty-six rowing boats towed by twelve steamers embarked the first six companies, two each from the 9th, 10th and 11th Battalions. At 02:00 a Turkish sentry reported seeing ships moving at sea, and at 02:30 the report was sent to 9th Division's headquarters. At 02:53 the ships headed towards the peninsula, continuing until 03:30 when the larger ships stopped. With 50 yards (46 m) to go, the rowing boats continued using only their oars. ⇒4月25日の01時、英国軍の船舶が海上で止まり、12隻の汽船に曳航された36隻の手漕ぎボートに最初の6個中隊が乗り込んだ。それぞれ第2、第9、第10、第11大隊からの派兵であった。トルコの歩哨が02時に、船が海上を移動していることを報告し、02時30分に第9師団の本部に報告が送られた。02時53分、例の船舶は半島に向かい、大型船が停止する03時30分まで続いた。残りの50ヤード(46 m)行くのに、手漕ぎボートはずっとオールのみを使った。 >Around 04:30[nb 3] Turkish sentries opened fire on the boats, but the first ANZAC troops were already ashore at Beach Z, called Ari Burnu at the time, but later known as Anzac Cove. (It was formally renamed Anzac Cove by the Turkish government in 1985.) They were one mile (1.6 km) further north than intended, and instead of an open beach they were faced with steep cliffs and ridges up to around three hundred feet (91 m) in height. ⇒04時30分頃〔注記3〕、トルコの歩哨がボートに発砲したが、最初のANZAC部隊はすでに、当時アリ・バーヌと呼ばれていたが後にアンザック小湾として知られるようになるビーチZに上陸していた。(1985年にトルコ政府によって正式に「アンザック小湾(入江)」と改名された。)彼らは意図したより1マイル(1.6キロ)北に行ってしまったが、そこは平らな開放ビーチでなく、高さ約300フィート(91m)もの険しい崖と尾根に直面していた。 >However, the mistake had put them ashore at a relatively undefended area; at Gaba Tepe further south where they had planned to land, there was a strong-point, with an artillery battery close by equipped with two 15 cm and two 12 cm guns, and the 5th Company, 27th Infantry Regiment was positioned to counter-attack any landing at that more southern point. The hills surrounding the cove where the ANZACs landed made the beach safe from direct fire Turkish artillery. Fifteen minutes after the landing, the Royal Navy began firing at targets in the hills. On their way in, the rowing boats had become mixed up. The 11th Battalion grounded to the north of Ari Burnu point, while the 9th Battalion hit the point or just south of it, together with most of the 10th Battalion. ⇒しかし彼らは、その間違いによって、比較的無防備な地域に上陸した。上陸を計画していた南のガバ・テペは2門の15 cm砲と2門の12 cm砲を備えた砲兵砲台を擁する強化地点であり、それより南の地点への上陸に反撃すべく第27歩兵連隊の第5中隊が陣取っていたのである。ANZACが上陸した入り江周囲の丘のおかげでそのビーチはトルコ軍砲兵隊からの直接射撃に対して安全であった。上陸の15分後、英国海軍は丘の標的を攻撃し始めた。途中、手漕ぎボートは混ざり合った。第11大隊はアリ・ブルヌ岬の北に着陸したが、第9大隊はその岬またはそのすぐ南で、第10大隊の大部分と重なった。 >The plan was for them to cross the open ground and assault the first ridge line, but they were faced with a hill that came down almost to the water line, and there was confusion while the officers tried to work out their location, under small arms fire from the 4th Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, who had a platoon of between eighty and ninety men at Anzac Cove and a second platoon in the north around the Fisherman's Hut. The third platoon was in a reserve position on the second ridge. They also manned the Gaba Tepe strong-point, equipped with two obsolescent multi-barrelled Nordenfelt machine-guns, and several smaller posts in the south. ⇒攻撃の計画は、開いた(通りやすい)平地を横切って最初の尾根の戦線を攻撃することであったが、彼らはほとんど水際まで下降しないような丘に直面した。そして将校らが、第4中隊、第2大隊、第27歩兵連隊からの小火器の射撃砲火の下で、場所の問題を解決しようとしたときに混乱が起こり、アンザック小湾に80人から90人の小隊、フィッシャーマンズ・ハット周辺の北に第2の小隊が(上陸して)いた。第3小隊は第2小隊の尾根の予備軍の地位にあった。彼らはまたガバ・テペの強化地点に人員を配置し、南部に2丁の古い多連式ノルデンフェルト機関銃といくつかの小さな哨戒基地を配備した。



