• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の添削をお願いします)

The Academic Divide: Analyzing Workstation and Wages in Japan

  • Japan is renowned for its academic background-oriented society, where the divide between college graduates and non-graduates manifests in various aspects such as workstation and wages.
  • Despite a nearly equal number of college and non-college graduates, Japan's social structure has created significant disparities based on educational attainment, particularly in terms of work environment and compensation.
  • Exploring the differences in workstations and wages between college and non-college graduates reveals the profound impact of Japan's academic background-oriented society.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10005/12514)

>Japan is famous that academic background-oriented society, and we found this circumstances such as workstation and wages. Even though almost the same number of the rate graduates college and non-graduates college, this line increase various gap. >「(大卒と高卒の賃金や待遇の違いなどを述べた後の文章です)日本は学歴社会で有名だ。それは働く環境や賃金など見てわかる。日本の大卒層と非大卒層の割合は、ほぼ同数。そして日本の社会は、大卒/非大卒という分断線が、さまざまな格差を生んでいる」 ⇒以下のとおり、語句・添削文・別の例などをお答えします。 なお、「大学」は、もちろんcollegeでいいのですが、「一般論」として言う場合はuniversity でもいいですね。以下では、(個人的な好みで)もっぱらuniversity を使いますが、気になさらないでください。 (語句) *(日本は)学歴社会で有名:(Japan is) famous for its academic society。 *それは~を見てわかる。:It is understood by looking at ~. *働く環境や賃金:working environment and wages。"work station"は「職場」という場所を表し、「環境」という意味合いが含まれないように思います。 *日本の大卒層と非大卒層の割合:The proportion of Japanese university graduates and non-university graduates。 *大卒・非大卒という分断線:break lines such as university graduates and non-university graduates *さまざまな格差を生んでいる:are producing various gaps。gapsと複数形にします。 ☆お書きのEven though almost the same number of the rate graduates college and non-graduates college, this line increase various gap.について:(1) Even though は接続詞ですので、この従属節内に動詞が必要です。(2) コンマの前後は必ずしも逆接の関係ではありませんので、接続詞なしかAndでつなげて2文にするのがよいと思います。(3) this line は単数ですので、increase「増やす」を使うならincreasesとします。 (添削文) Japan is famous for its academic society. It is understood by looking at working environment and wages. The proportion of Japanese university graduates and non-university graduates is almost the same. And in Japanese society, break lines such as university graduates and non-university graduates are producing various gaps. 《日本は学歴社会で有名だ。それは働く環境や賃金などを見てわかる。日本の大卒層と非大卒層の割合はほぼ同数である。そして日本の社会では、大卒・非大卒という分断線がさまざまな格差を生んでいる。》 (別の例:1はほとんど同じで、2はカッコ内なども補います。) 1 Japan is famous for being an academic society. It can be seen by looking at the working environment and wages. The proportion of the university graduate and the university graduate in Japan is almost the same. In such a Japanese society, the division line of university graduates / non-university graduates creates various gaps. 《日本は、学歴社会であるということで有名だ。それは、働く環境や賃金などを見るとわかる。日本の大卒層と非大卒層の割合はほぼ同数である。そういう日本の社会では、大卒/非大卒という分断線が、さまざまな格差を生んでいる。》 2 (There is a big difference between wages and treatment of university graduates and those of high school graduates.) Japan is famous for being an academic society. This can be seen clearly by looking at the working environment and wages. The proportion of Japanese university graduates to non-university graduates is almost the same. And in Japanese society, the division line that separates university graduates from non-university graduates has various disparities. 《(大卒の賃金や待遇と高卒のそれらとの間には大きな差がある。)日本は、学歴社会である、ということで有名である。そのことは、働く環境や賃金などを見るとよくわかる。日本の大卒層と非大卒層の割合は、ほぼ同数である。そして日本の社会では、大卒と非大卒を区分する分断線がさまざまな格差・不均衡を生んでいる。》



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その他の回答 (1)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

1. Japan in famous that academic background-oriented society, → Japan is famous for placing strong emphasis on academic records. 2. and we found this circumstances such as workstation and wages. → This is apparent in both the workers' salary and in their working environment. 3. Even though almost the same number of the rate graduates college and non-graduage college, → Even though the number of college graduates is almost the same as that of non-graduates, 4. this line increase various gap. → the divide is creating a wider disparity in a variety of fields. Japan is famous for placing strong emphasis on academic records. This is apparent in both the workers' salary and in their working environment. Even though the number of college graduates is almost the same as that of non-graduates, the divide is creating a wider disparity in a variety of fields.



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