(1)Liver triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis and secretion are closely linked to nutrient availability. After a meal, hepatic TAG formation from fatty acids is decreased, largely due to a reduction in circulating free fatty acids (FFA).
この文章のcirculating free fatty acids の部分
(2)Despite the postprandial decrease in FFA-driven esterification and oxidation, VLDL-TAG secretion is maintained to support peripheral lipid delivery and metabolism.
この文章の FFA-driven の部分
(3)Secreted TAG. n = 3. For hepatocyte studies in L-Raptor–KO or control, hepatocytes from 4 to 9 mice per group were isolated and technical replicates pooled.
この文章の technical replicates pooledの部分
(4)While CCTα mRNA levels were equivalent between both genotypes (Figure 5D), protein levels were diminished in liver from the L-Raptor–KO mice to an extent commensurate with the reduction in enzyme activity, suggesting regulation of CCTα stability or translation by mTORC1 at a posttranscriptional site (Figure 5E).
(5)Restoration of PC synthesis normalizes hepatic triglycerides and VLDL-TAG secretion in L-Raptor–KO.
(6)We reasoned that if mTORC1 regulates TAG secretion by promoting PC biosynthesis, restoration of PC synthesis would rescue the TAG secretion defect induced by loss of raptor.