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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英文の日本語訳お願いします)

Comparison of system suffering from western-related conditions and system with amelioration of western-related conditions

  • This article compares a system suffering from western-related conditions and a system with amelioration of western-related conditions. One aspect of a western lifestyle is the higher intake of ω-6 PUFA, which enhances the formation of chylomicrons allowing the translocation of LPS. This leads to the activation of basolateral TLR and initiation of a pro-inflammatory response. The gut epithelium and its permeability are altered, exacerbating inflammation by allowing the translocation of more LPS, pro-inflammatory cytokines, FFA, among other luminal compounds.
  • The comparison is shown in a visual representation, with the system suffering from western-related conditions depicted in red on the right, and the system with amelioration of western-related conditions depicted in orange on the left. The higher intake of ω-6 PUFA in the western lifestyle enhances the formation of chylomicrons, which allows the translocation of LPS. This results in the activation of basolateral TLR and the initiation of a pro-inflammatory response. The gut epithelium and its permeability are compromised, leading to the escalation of inflammation.
  • The comparison between a system suffering from western-related conditions and a system with amelioration of western-related conditions highlights the impact of ω-6 PUFA intake. The higher intake of ω-6 PUFA enhances the formation of chylomicrons, facilitating the translocation of LPS. This triggers a pro-inflammatory response mediated by basolateral TLR activation. The gut epithelium becomes compromised, exacerbating inflammation by allowing the translocation of more LPS, pro-inflammatory cytokines, FFA, and other luminal compounds.


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

いくつかの専門用語をどう訳すべきかわからなかったのでそのままにしたのと、訳したところも用語として違うかも知れません。western-related conditionは”西洋化(生活・慣習)に関連した状態”と思いますが、そのままにします。 Western-related conditionに冒された系統 (右の赤い部分)とwestern-related condition を改善した系統(左のオレンジの部分)の比較。 西洋のライフスタイルのひとつの側面は ω-6 PUFA (FFAと表される)の高い摂取で、これはLPSの転移を引き起こすカイロミクロンの形成を促進し、それによりそれらが炎症性の反応を引き起こす基底外側TLRを活性化する。最終的に引き起こされることは、消化器の被覆組織とその浸透性の変質(劣化した被覆組織と易感染性の蜜結合部と説明される)であり、それにより他のluminal compoundsの中で更に多くのLPSの転移、炎症性のサイトカイン、FFAによって炎症の悪化を引き起こす。(1)




