• 締切済み


英語にしてくださいm(_ _)m 『もう白人はこりごり。 あんなに酷いことを言うなんて。 おめでとう。トラウマになったわ。 嬉しいでしょ。よかったね。何を言ったってもうあなたの本性をみたからもうやり直せない。凄く怖かったし、ショックだった。 彼のほうが良いって気づかせてくれてありがとう。』



I’ve never expected to hear such horrible thing from you. I don’t wanna go out with white guys anymore. You are satisfied huh? I’m now traumatized really. No matter what you say we can’t get along with anymore as I’ve seen your real face. I was very scared and was in shock also. You let me realize that he is better than you. Thanks. 蛇足ですけど、訳が必要なのにこれまで意思の疎通をどうされてたのか気になります(@_@ )

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

I had enough of white boys. That they should say such things! Congrats. I now have a trauma. That must make you happy. That's good. No matter what you say, now that I've seen your true self, we cannot redo. I was terrified and was in a shock . Thank you for making me realize that he is a better man.

