- ベストアンサー
相手、how are you? 私、soso 相手、why? ↑に、 『ヘンリー王子が黒人と婚約したって言うNEWSでもテンション下がってたのに、 ネットでエド・シーランが婚約したかもしれないって記事を見つけてショックで禿げそうなの... 今日、病院に行ってインフルエンザのワクチン注射しに行かなきゃだし...』 と言いたいです。『』を英語にして下さい。m(_ _)m
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
#1です。補足です。 第二文を次のように変えます。 At the news that Prince Harry is engaged to a black woman my tension was down but upon coming across an article that Ed Sheeran might be engaged the shock I felt was enough to make me lose my hair. And I have to go to a hospital for a flu shot today.
その他の回答 (2)
Even though NEWS saying Prince Henry was engaged to a black man, even though the tension was going down, I found an article that Ed Sealan might be engaged on the net and it seems to be bald with a shock Today, I have to go to the hospital and go to vaccinate the flu
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
At the news that Prince Harry is engaged to a black woman my tension was down but upon coming across an article that Ed Sheeran might be engaged the shock I felt was enough to make me lose my hair. And I have to go to a hospital for a flu shot
ありがとうございますm(_ _)m★