- ベストアンサー
- 彼は、差別や労働運動に焦点を当てただけでなく、女性運動についても述べています。
- ワシントン大行進にはそれ以外のあまり知られていない様々な(背景・出来事)があります。
- He not only focused on racial discrimination and the labor movement but also on women's movement. However, the March on Washington has not generally known a variety of episode.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
> He not only focused on racial discrimination and the labor movement but also > on women's movement. ⇒ とてもよいと思います。敢えて手を加えるとすれば、 1) "not only" の位置を "focused" の後ろにもってくる。 2) "women's movement" を "women's rights" にする。 ⇒ He focused not only on racial discrimination and the labor movement but also on women's rights. > However, the March on Washington has not generally known a variety of > episode. ⇒ こちらは改善の余地があると思います。 ⇒ However, the March on Washington stemmed from a variety of other, lesser-known issues as well. stem from: http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=stem+from a variety of: http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=a+variety+of lesser-known: http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=lesser-known 或いは、 ⇒ However, a variety of other, lesser-known issues were associated with the March on Washington. associated with: http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=associated+with
その他の回答 (1)
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12513)
>・彼は、差別や労働運動に焦点を当てただけでなく、女性運動についても述べています。 >・He not only focused on racial discrimination and the labor movement but also on women's movement. ⇒He not only focused on ~の語順は、He focused not only on ~の方がいいです。racial discriminationやwomen's movementには、the racial discrimination、the women's movementのようにtheをつけた方がいいでしょう。 →He focused not only on the racial discrimination and the labor movement but also on the women's movement. >・しかし ワシントン大行進にはそれ以外のあまり知られていない様々な(背景・出来事)があります。 >・However, the March on Washington has not generally known a variety of episode. ⇒a variety of episodeはa variation of episodesとしましょう。variety「多様性」とvariation 「多種・変種」の違いがあります。また、episodes「エピソード・出来事」は複数形にし、not generally known はそのepisodesのあと(文末)に移しましょう。 →However, the March on Washington has a variation of episodes not generally known.
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