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The Battle of Yenikoy: A Fierce Bayonet Struggle
- The Bulgarian high command hesitated to give permission for the attack, allowing the British to consolidate their positions on the left bank of the Struma.
- On October 3rd, the 10th (Irish) Division launched an attack on the Bulgarian positions in the village of Yenikoy, defended by the 13th Rila Regiment.
- After a day-long battle, the Bulgarians, reinforced by the 14th Macedonian Regiment and 17th Artillery Regiment, twice retook the village in a fierce bayonet struggle.
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>The Bulgarian high command however refused to give permission for the attack. This hesitation allowed the British to consolidate their positions on the left bank of the Struma around the village of Karacaköy on 30 of September. ⇒しかし、ブルガリア軍の最高司令部は攻撃のための許可を与えることを拒絶した。この躊躇によって、英国軍にとっては9月30日にカラカコイ村のまわりのストルマ川の左岸に陣地を統合強化することが可能になった。 >On 3 of October the 10th (Irish) Division attacked the Bulgarian positions in the village of Yenikoy that were defended by the 13th Rila Regiment of the 7th Division. ⇒10月3日、第10(アイルランド)師団が、第7師団の第13リラ連隊の防御するイェニコイ村のブルガリア軍陣地を攻撃した。 >The battle lasted for the entire day and the Bulgarians reinforced by the 14th Macedonian Regiment and 17th Artillery Regiment twice retook the village after fierce bayonet struggle. ⇒戦いは終日続き、ブルガリア軍は第14マケドニア軍連隊による補強を得て、第17砲兵連隊が強烈な銃剣戦の末に再度村を取り戻した。