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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)

Night Attack: Heavy Casualties, Occupation, and Reorganization

  • During a night battle, the Irish division successfully occupied a village after a third and final attack. Both sides suffered heavy casualties due to accurate artillery and machine gun fire.
  • The Bulgarian 13th Regiment underwent reorganization, reducing its strength from four battalions to three.
  • After October 4th, the Bulgarians established positions on nearby heights while the 7th Rila division protected the Rupel Pass.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>During the night, after a third and last attack the village was occupied by the Irish division. Casualties on both sides were heavy due to the accurate artillery and machine gun fire. After the battle the Bulgarian 13th Regiment was reorganized to a three battalion strength instead of the usual four battalions. ⇒3回目にして最後の攻撃の後の夜間に、村がアイルランド師団によって占拠された。両軍の死傷者数は、大砲や機関銃による正確な砲火のために甚大であった。この戦いの後、ブルガリア軍第13連隊は、通常の4個大隊に代えて3個大隊(のみ)に再編成された。 >After 4 of October the Bulgarians set up positions on the nearby heights to the east while the right flank of the 7th Rila division remained in the valley to protect the Rupel Pass. From this point onwards no large operations were conducted on the Struma front until the end of the offensive. ⇒10月4日の後、ルペル道を保護するために第7リラ師団の右側面が渓谷に留まったが、その間にブルガリア軍は近くの東寄り高地に陣地を設営した。この時点より先、攻勢の終りまでストルマ川での大作戦行動は実行されなかった。



