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Serbian Attack Against Gornichevo and Allied Advance: A Summary

  • The Serbian attack against Gornichevo resulted in the French and Russians launching their own advance.
  • The Bulgarian forces were forced to retreat to the main defensive line on the Malareka Ridge.
  • By the end of the day, the Bulgarian soldiers had retreated to the Malka Nidzhe.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>Simultaneously with the Serbian attack against Gornichevo the French and Russians began their own advance and quickly overran the first Bulgarian line forcing the forces their to retreat to the main defensive line on the Malareka Ridge. ⇒ゴルニチェヴォに対するセルビア軍の攻撃と同時に、フランス軍とロシア軍は独自の進軍を開始して、第1ブルガリア軍戦線を速やかに蹂躙し、その軍団に対してマラレカ尾根の主要防御戦線へ退却することを余儀なくさせた。 >On 13 September the Allied artillery continued its barrage and the Serbians used their time only to get even closer to the Bulgarian positions. By the end of the day the Bulgarian soldiers had retired to their main defensive line on the Malka Nidzhe. ⇒9月13日、連合国軍砲兵隊は集中砲火を続け、セルビア軍はもっぱらブルガリア軍の陣地より近づくことに時間を使っていた。ブルガリア軍の兵士は、その日の終るまでにマルカ・ニッツェの主要防御戦線まで退却した。


