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Romanian Defense Line Abandoned in Favor of Main Line
- The Romanians quickly abandoned their preliminary defense line and moved to their main line of defense.
- They engaged in continuous rifle fire and occasional artillery fire throughout the night.
- The Romanian command was slow to react to the situation, with General Aslan remaining in Bucharest.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
>By the evening of the first day the Romanians had abandoned almost their entire preliminary line of defense in favor of the main (second) defensive line. From there they put up continuous rifle fire, supported by occasional artillery fire, throughout the night of 2/3 September - perhaps belying disorganization and nervousness, as the Bulgarian units were, as yet, well out of range. The Romanian command was slow to react to the developing situation, with General Aslan remaining in Bucharest. ⇒その初日の夕方までに、ルーマニア軍は主要な(第2)守備戦線を支持して、防御用の予備戦線はほとんど放棄した。そこ(守備戦線)から彼らは、9月2/3日の夜じゅう、時折大砲の支援を受けながら継続的なライフル砲火を放っていた ― ただしそれは、ブルガリア部隊がまだ十分に射程外にあったのだから、たぶん秩序崩壊と臆病風のせいで間違ってしまったのであろう。アスラン将軍がブカレストに留まっていたので、ルーマニア軍の指揮は、展開状況に対応するのに機敏さが欠けていたのである。