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Night Assault on Line's Artificial Obstacles: A Battle Recap

  • During the night, the 7th Preslav and 31st Varna Infantry Regiments approached the line's artificial obstacles, preparing for their assault the next morning.
  • The assault began at 8:00 AM on 5 September with suppressing fire from their artillery, but they faced strong Romanian resistance.
  • The forward units were forced to halt at 9:30 and take cover due to the shifting positions of the Bulgarian artillery, which had moved forward to support the advancing infantry.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12512)

>During the night, its 7th Preslav and 31st Varna Infantry Regiments had gotten within 600 meters of the line's artificial obstacles. They began their assault at about 8:00 AM on 5 September, but, in spite of suppressing fire from their artillery, met strong Romanian resistance. ⇒夜の間に、第7プレスラフ、第31バルナ歩兵連隊が戦線の人工障害物の600メートル以内に到着した。9月5日午前8時ごろ彼らは猛攻撃を開始したけれども、彼の大砲から砲火は抑制気味だったにもかかわらず、ルーマニア軍の強烈な抵抗に見舞われた。 >At 9:30 the forward units were forced to halt and take cover some 200 meters from the obstacles. This was partly a result of the shifting of positions of the Bulgarian artillery, as the 1/15 artillery section had been ordered to move forward in direct support of the advancing infantry. ⇒9時30分、前方部隊は停止して、障害物から約200メートルのあたりに隠れざるを得なくなった。これは、一部にはブルガリア軍砲兵隊の陣地移動の結果であった。というのも、1/15砲兵分隊が、進軍する歩兵隊を直接支援するため、前方へ移動するように命じられていたからであった。


