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Brigadier General Enslin's Stay on Kisagale Hill

  • Brigadier General Enslin decided to stay on Kisagale Hill throughout the next day, 25 August, waiting for Nussey’s brigade.
  • The Schutztruppe put heavy fire down on Enslin’s troops but von Lettow states that the ground was too broken for swift decisive manoeuvre, and during the night of 25-26 August the Germans withdrew south along the narrow path that led south to Kisaki.
  • Nussey’s brigade arrived on 26 August but was too exhausted to move further and needed rest.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>Brigadier General Enslin decided to stay on Kisagale Hill throughout the next day, 25 August, waiting for Nussey’s brigade. The Schutztruppe put heavy fire down on Enslin’s troops but von Lettow states that the ground was too broken for swift decisive manoeuvre, and during the night of 25-26 August the Germans withdrew south along the narrow path that led south to Kisaki. Before leaving they destroyed two 8.8-centimetre field guns that were too large to be pulled down the path. Nussey’s brigade arrived on 26 August but was too exhausted to move further and needed rest. ⇒エンスリン准将は、ナセイの旅団を待ちながら翌8月25日は終日キサゲール・ヒルに滞在することを決めた。植民地保護隊が重砲火をエンスリン軍に浴びせたけれども、フォン・レトウは、迅速かつ決定的な機動作戦のためには陣地面が破壊されすぎていると述べて、8月25-26日の夜間にドイツ軍をキサキに通じる隘路に沿って南へ撤退させた。出発する前に彼らは、その隘路を引いて行くには大きすぎる2門の8.8センチ野戦砲を破壊した。8月26日にナセイの旅団が到着したが、そこより遠くへ移動するには疲れすぎていて、休息が必要であった。



