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The 18th Division's Advance and the Stalemate in Longueval

  • The 18th Division successfully cleared Trônes Wood and established a line up to Maltz Horn Farm, adjacent to the French 153rd Division.
  • The division was ordered to capture the north-west part of Delville Wood and advance westwards to meet the 27th Brigade.
  • However, the attack was repulsed by the German defenders and the 27th Brigade was pinned down in Longueval by machine-gun fire.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>On 14–15 July the 18th Division had cleared Trônes Wood to the south and had established a line up to Maltz Horn Farm, adjacent to the French 153rd Division. At 12:35 a.m. Lukin was ordered to capture the north-west part of Delville Wood at all costs and then to advance westwards to meet the 27th Brigade, as it attacked north and north–eastwards through Longueval. ⇒7月14–15日、第18師団はトローヌ・ウッドを南に向って一掃し、モルツ・ホーン農場まで戦線を確立し、フランスの第153師団に隣接した。ルーキンは、午前12時35分に、ぜひともデルヴィル・ウッドの北西側を攻略し、それからロングヴァルを通して北および北東方向へ進撃する第27旅団と出会うまで西へ向って進軍するよう命じられた。 >The advance began on 16 July at 10:00 a.m. but the casualties of the South Africans had reduced the weight of the attack, which was repulsed by the German defenders. The 27th Brigade advance were pinned down in the village by machine-gun fire from an orchard in the north end of Longueval. ⇒進軍は7月16日午前10時に始まったが、南アフリカ軍の犠牲者らにより、攻撃の重圧力が減小したので、ドイツ軍の守備隊によって撃退された。第27旅団の進軍は、ロングヴァル北端の果樹園からの機関銃砲火により、村に足止めされた。




