Soul Mate volume Four: Astrology Reading and the Future Together
Experience the thrilling and strangely disturbing astrology reading of Soul Mate volume Four, as it reveals more about the future together.
Discover how relationships, like the stars in the sky, shift and change with time, creating epic stories of love with their own joys and tragedies.
While the picture of the future becomes clear, there will always be unknown mysteries, mirroring the nature of the stars.
This dear Tomoko, is Soul Mate volume Four. An astrology reading always thrilling and yet a strangely disturbing experience because it stirs the depths, it echoes what your soul already knows. The previous readings have focused on the meeting, and on making an identifiable picture of the soul mate. This reading takes you a step further in time and reveals more about the future together.
The stars in the sky shift their positions and change with time. Relationships also alter through the passages of time. Each love is an epic story in its own right with its own joys and tragedies. As each detail of the picture of the future becomes clear, there will always be some mystery’s that are unknown, because that is the nature of the stars.