- ベストアンサー
How to Overcome the Hardest Part of Running Marathon
- Discover effective strategies for dealing with the most challenging aspects of running a marathon and apply them to overcome obstacles in life.
- Explore the connection between marathon running and crisis management in life and learn how the resilience gained from marathon training can help overcome challenges.
- Penpal correspondence can be challenging as it requires thoughtful responses and continuous conversation. Gain confidence and learn techniques for engaging in meaningful written conversations.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
> How do you stand the hardest part of running marathon? Many say that life is like marathon. Do you think that you can deal with the crisis in your life thanks to marathon? マラソンの最もしんどい時をどうやって耐えているのですか? 人生はマラソンのようだと言う人がたくさんいますが、マラソンをやってるおかげで人生の危機にも立ち向かえるんだと思いますか? > By the way corresponding with penpals, the reason I feel like I have difficulty writing is not because of my English. It is because the moment I cannot come up with anything I have to reply. Honestly speaking I am not a talkative person, but I try to talk more when writing. Nice and slow conversations are hard to come by, and the form of letter writing does put in a lot into thinking about what the other person has to say and how to respond. ところで文通友達とのやりとりで、書くのに困難を感じるというのは、私がうまく英語を書けないということではありません。返事を書くに際して話題を合わせるということに困難があるんです。正直なところ私はおしゃべりなタイプではありませんが、書く時には饒舌であろうと努めています。ゆったりとした気持ちのいい会話をするのはむつかしいのですが、手紙という形でなら相手の人がどんなことを言うだろうかとか、どんな反応をするだろうかということをゆっくりと考えるゆとりが持てます。