• 締切済み


次の英文の和訳をお願いします。 I've worked with hundreds of people with troubled relationships, and practically every one of them has made the same mistake of arguing a the "truth.” This strategy never helped anyone resolve a problem. When you feel upset, you will have a tremendous urge to explain why your ideas and feelings are valid. Don't do it! You will have a tremendous urge to defend yourself and argue. Don't do it! What usually happens when you try to point out the truth to someone? When you argued and got defensive, did your spouse ever stop arguing and say, "Thank you, thank you for opening my eyes. I see now where I was so wrong?" The key to resolving an argument is often to back off and try a different approach.The bottom line is that you must never defend the "truth!" Your "truth is your enemy! When you give up the idea that you have a monopoly on the truth and you try to understand the other person's point of view, you will find that people will be much more willing to listen to you and to understand your own point of view. 長くなってしまいましたが、よろしくお願いします m(__)m


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I've worked with hundreds of people with troubled relationships, and practically every one of them has made the same mistake of arguing a the "truth.” 私はこれまで人間関係で問題を抱えた何百と言う人達と触れ合ってきましたが、それらのすべてのひたが「事実」を主張すると言う同じ過ちを犯しています。 This strategy never helped anyone resolve a problem. このやり方は決して問題を解決する助けになりません。 When you feel upset, you will have a tremendous urge to explain why your ideas and feelings are valid. Don't do it! 冷静さを失っている時にあなたは自分の考えと感覚がなぜ正しいのかを説明したいと言う強い衝動にかられるでしょう。それをやってはだめです! You will have a tremendous urge to defend yourself and argue. Don't do it! あなた自身を護りそして反論したい強い衝動にかられるでしょう。それをやってはだめです! What usually happens when you try to point out the truth to someone? あなたが誰かに「真実」を指摘しようとすると、いつも何が起きますか? When you argued and got defensive, did your spouse ever stop arguing and say, "Thank you, thank you for opening my eyes. I see now where I was so wrong?" あなたが主張して、また自分を弁護したとき、これまであなたの配偶者が反論をやめそして、「ありがとう。私の目を開いてくれて。私がどこでこんな間違いをしたのかやっとわかった。」と言ったことがありますか? The key to resolving an argument is often to back off and try a different approach. 口論を解決するのに一歩下がって別のやり方を試すのが大事な事が多いです。 The bottom line is that you must never defend the "truth!" Your "truth is your enemy! 基本は、決して「真実」を護ろうとしないこと!あなたの「真実」は、あなたの的です! When you give up the idea that you have a monopoly on the truth and you try to understand the other person's point of view, you will find that people will be much more willing to listen to you and to understand your own point of view. あなただけが真実を知っているなどと言う考えを捨て、他の人の物の見方を理解しようとした時、あなたはその人があなたの言う事をもっと聞いて、あなたの物の見方を理解しようとする事に気がつくでしょう。

