• 締切済み


「テレビ番組や映画には、人類と同等、またはそれ以上の知能を持つ地球外生物がしばしば登場する。これは、我々が地球以外の惑星に知的生命体が存在することを期待していることのあらわれではないか。ただ、これらの生物が、必ずと言っていよいほど邪悪なものとして描かれているのは興味深い。」 In TV programs and films, aliens which have intelligence that is equal to or more than humankind's intelligence often appear on. I believe this is the expression that we expect intelligent creatures to exist in a plant except the earth. But it's interesting that most of these creatures are describe as evil things.


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

文法的におかしなところを添削 In TV programs and films, aliens which have intelligence that is equal to or greater than human intelligence often appear. (in . . .と言っているのですから最後のonは不要。) I believe this is an expression that we expect intelligent creatures to exist in a plant except the earth. But it's interesting that almost all of these creatures are described as evil things. もう少し私が納得するように改良するとーー(私はアメリカ英語なのでfilmsでなくmoviesを使いますがfilmsでもかまいません) In TV programs or movies, we often find extraterrestrial beings that have intelligence equal to or greater than that of humans. This is, I believe, an expression of our expectation that some intellectual forms of life do exist somewhere else in this universe. What is interesting, I reckon, is that almost all of those living creatures from the outer world are portrayed as something evil. 以上、ご参考になればと思います。



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こんにちは。 少しだけ意訳にしてみますと、 TV programs and films often feature extraterrestrial creatures whose intelligence equals or surpasses that of humans. I believe this reveals expectations on our part that intelligent life exists on planets other than the Earth. Be that as it may, it's interesting that nearly all of these creatures are depicted as evil. 尚、一行目の extraterrestrial creatures と三行目の creatures の代わりに aliens でもよろしいです。 ご参考までに。



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  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

In TV programs and films, aliens which have intelligence that is equal to or more than that of humankind often appear on. I believe this is the expression that we expect intelligent creatures to exist in planets outside the earth. Moreover, it's interesting that these kinds of creatures are inevitably described as evil things.



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