• 締切済み


次の英訳の添削をお願いします。 インターネットの発達や携帯電話の登場などで、世界がこれほど狭くなったことはかつてない。たとえ地球の裏側で起こったことでも、その映像が瞬時のうちに 送られてくる。しかし、今の世界がより住みやすい場所になったのかどうかは話が別だろう。 It has never happen that the world became so narrow as developing the Internet and appearing call phones. If a matter happened at the other side of the earth, the picture would be sent in an instant. But it is a different matter whether the present earth became more comfortable to live in or not



こんにちは。 先ず、「発達」を訳さないで With the Internet and cell phones, (the) Earth has never been such a small place. Without delay we can view events taking place even on the other side of the planet. However, this isn't to say that the world is necessarily an easier place in which to live. 「発達」が必要でしたら、 With cell phones and the developing Internet, (the) Earth has never been such a small place. となります。ただ、 With cell phones and developments in the Internet, (the) Earth has never been such a small place. の方がちょっとスムーズだと思います。 ご参考までに。


インターネットの発達や携帯電話の登場などで、世界がこれほど狭くなったことはかつてない。 It has never happen that the world became so narrow as developing the Internet and appearing call phones. happen → happened the world became so narrow → the world is so narrow It has never happened で現在完了形を用いているので、ここは現在形が良いでしょう。 as → because of 又は due to 原因を示すasには、SVが続きます。 developing the Internet → the developing Internet call phones → cell phones 「など」を訳します。 第2文、第3文は、問題ありません。 参考に、私なりの解答を示しておきます。 Nowadays, the world has in a sense become smallest in human history because of the development of the Internet, the appearance of cell phones, and so on. We can even look at the images of what just happened on the opposite side of the planet. However, it does not necessarily mean that the world is easier than ever for humans to live in.


It has never happen that the world became so narrow as developing the Internet and appearing call phones. →It has never happened before that the world became so narrow by developing of the internet and appearing mobile phones. develop internet~はインターネットを開発する、になるので訂正しました。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a matter happened at the other side of the earth, the picture would be sent in an instant. 問題ないです。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But it is a different matter whether the present earth became more comfortable to live in or not →But it is a different matter whether the present earth became more comfortable (for the people) to live in or not. for the pepoleは分かっているので、入れなくても問題はないと思います。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1. インターネットの発達や携帯電話の登場などで、世界がこれほど狭くなったことはかつてない。 It has never happen that the world became so narrow as developing the Internet and appearing call phones. happen は現在完了の一部なので過去分詞 happened がいいと思います。     「狭くなる」は、日本語では(1)幅が狭くなる、と(2)小さくなる、の両義がありますが、英語の narrow は(1)の意味だけなので工夫が要ります。     as の後は、as to 塗布停止にするのが普通です。 call は cell ですね。 2. たとえ地球の裏側で起こったことでも、その映像が瞬時のうちに 送られてくる。 If a matter happened at the other side of the earth, the picture would be sent in an instant     side 「側面」のように平たい二次元の広がりを連想させるものは、前置詞に on を使うのが普通です。 3. しかし、今の世界がより住みやすい場所になったのかどうかは話が別だろう。     But it is a different matter whether the present earth became more comfortable to live in or not     the present earth は3単現なので、becomes と s をつけるのがいいと思います。 4. 愚訳 The development of internet and cell phones have reduced the size of the world to the extent as never before. The image of an event on the other side of the world, may be sent (to us) in an instant. But this may not necessarily mean that the world has become a better place to live.

