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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の問題です よろしければ添削お願い致します)

Are dolphins the most intelligent animals after humans?

  • Some scientists believe that dolphins are the second most intelligent animals after humans, and that one day we may be able to communicate with them.
  • Dolphins are often considered to be the second most intelligent creatures on Earth, with some scientists even suggesting that we might be able to have a conversation with them in the future.
  • Scientists have theorized that dolphins are incredibly intelligent, potentially even surpassing all other animals on the planet except for humans, and there is a possibility of someday being able to communicate with them.


  • ベストアンサー
  • ID10T5
  • ベストアンサー率31% (732/2312)

(1)second to noneという言い方はありますが、second to somethingで~についで最も知能が高い、という言い方は聞いたことがありませんね。一度辞書を調べてみてください。あるとすればthe most intelligent next to human beingsでしょうね。 (2)we will able toはwe will be able toの誤りかと。 (3), and we willでwho think thatで一気につなげるのはちょっと厳しいですね。カンマをとり、andの後ろにthatをつける必要があります。 (4)the dolphins→theは要らないですね。前にdolphinsの話題が出ているなら別ですが、ないなら不要です。 There are some scientists who think that dolphins are the most intelligent next to human beings and that we will be able to talk with them in the future.



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