I have a flash for you.
DEAR ABBY: I have a wonderful husband of 11 years and three children. Carl is attentive, caring and always puts the needs of our family first. You could say he is everyone's dream husband.
Long story short, I cheated on him while I was on vacation. It started as innocent flirtation, but then it went further. When Brad kissed me, I knew it wasn't going to stop there. Afterward, I not only didn't feel guilty, I did it again. I have been quietly communicating with Brad and sent him revealing photos and a graphic video of myself. He loved it, and we plan to meet again soon.
Please help me understand why I am cheating on such a wonderful husband. Shouldn't I feel guilty? What can I do to stop this before it gets out of control and Carl finds out? I really don't want to lose him. -- DON'T FEEL GUILTY
DEAR DON'T FEEL GUILTY: I have a flash for you. This fling is already out of control.
I have a flash for you.は「あなたに対してひらめきがある。」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
いつもご回答ありがとうございます! よく理解できました~