• ベストアンサー
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  • 日本に訪れる外国の方への返信を英語で書きたいが、英語が苦手でまとめることが難しい。急いで返信が必要なので、英訳してもらうために投稿しました。
  • 来日する友人のために、みんなと会うための日程や行き先について意見を募集しています。
  • 日本に遊びに来る友人がいます。みんなで会える日程や行き先の意見を教えてほしいと思っています。


  • ベストアンサー

Hello friends! How are you doing these days ? Re: Welcome Event of ○ ○ in Japan Now I am writing to you how we should welcome ○ ○, who is coming to Japan soon. As you well know, arrival date is coming close. Yes, I am looking forward to the next month. We should get together during ○ ○'s stay in Japan. It must be fun. Please advise your time schedule and practical plan or idea of entertainment. 1) Date (Please advise your NG day , not available) Please check and advise the day, we should avoid it, as you have another appointment of working or some special event 2) Destination (of short trip) Please advise your idea of destination. (How about 'Kamakura' short trip ? I think it would be one of a nice idea.) Please advise yours. So happy to see you soon. really looking forward to. Faithfully yours XXXX


その他の回答 (1)

  • tha-
  • ベストアンサー率32% (9/28)

Hello everybody! Do you have to you? Well, (a friend coming to visit Japan every time this ※) ○ ○ is I was getting close to the date of travel to this place. It is these days next month can not wait. Upon arrival in Japan, I am glad if I saw everyone, but I think also for that, and, I wish speechless and plan dates and everyone. The first is the day. Because I think that there is also the convenience of your job guys, please let me know if you find some inconvenient schedule. The second is the destination. I am think Kamakura tourism is, good or, but what? Please let the opinion of all of you! We have to look forward to seeing everyone!

