• ベストアンサー


添削をお願いします。 マレーシアに旅行に行った時はちょうどタイの国は経済成長期で、沢山のビルや建物が大通りの至るところで建設中だった。 でも一歩中道に入るとそこは別世界で、その日をやっと暮らしているような人達が木造の平屋に暮らしていた。 そのギャップは驚きとショックだった。 When I went to Malaysia, it was just in the middle of an economic boom, and a lot of buidings and houses were being built all over the main streets. But as I stepped into a small path, it was a totally different world there, and I found that people who seemed to be barely making both ends meet, lived in one-story houses made of wood. I was greatly shocked by the difference.


  • ベストアンサー
  • akdawn
  • ベストアンサー率48% (37/77)

基本的にはgenialさんの訳でいいと思います。 ご参考までに私の訳を載せておきます。 When I traveled to Malaysia, Thailand was experiencing economic growth and a lot of buildings were being built all over the main streets. Nevertheless, once I stepped into an alley, there was a totally different world, there were such people who could barely make their living residing in lousy wooden bungalows. The gap occured to me as a great shock.



あっ! q(^0^)p  akdawn先生!ありがとうございます! また回答を頂けて嬉しいです。akdawn先生のおかげで、ここで質問させていただく事が病み付きになっています。 疑問が解決されるのが楽しくって! お時間がある時にまた教えて下さい。 m(_ _)m

その他の回答 (1)

  • ベストアンサー率33% (266/784)

頭のマレーシアは間違いかな? During my visit to Thailand, it was in the middle of economic boom, and numerous new buildings were being built all over the main streets. However, as I stepped into side streets, I was shocked to see many poor people living in wooden shacks. ちょっと短くなりすぎちゃったかな。後ろの文をもう少し長くすると However, as I stepped into small streets, it was a whole different world. Many people, who seemed to be barely making ends meet, lived in wooden shacks. I was shocked to see the economical gap in the country. どんなもんでしょうか。ちなみにわたしはタイ在住。今でも貧乏人は掘っ立て小屋に住んでます。



(^O^)/~~~ POKIEサン~* サワディカぁ~! 毎回、回答を頂きまして有難うございます! POKIEサンは タイ在住なんですか!いいですね!トムヤンクン食べ放題じゃないですか、私の大好物です。 今回の模範解答、短いバージョンも長いバージョンも勉強になりました!
