(1)In the event of No-shows, any transportation arrangements before 06:00 or after 22:00, will incur a charge of NT$2,400 net (car transport) / NT$3,000 net (minivan) respectively on your room account or credit card.
(2)Your departure time from the hotel is scheduled to be two and half hours prior to take off.
Shall you need to re-schedule your departure time, please contact the Concierge. Any No-shows or Cancellations within 4 hours, will incur full charge respectively for car or minivan booked.
(3)Reservations not guaranteed will be released at 4pm on the scheduled day of arrival.
For guaranteed reservation, a one-night room charge will be levied in the event of cancellation that was not received by 16:00 hours Taiwan time, one day prior to arrival.
早速有難うございました。 辞書で一つ一つ単語を調べ、なんとなく理解できたのですが自身が持てませんでした。 大変助かりました。