Marginal leaf scorch
Marginal leaf scorch was observed in the crop during in late
spring / early summer (Picture 1). The concern is that it could
develop into Botrytis towards the end of the crop as light
levels decrease in the autumn. Andrew Lee explains.
“We think that this may have been caused by running such a
low pre-night temperature set point. We have to remember
this also cools the root zone, so in the morning, with minimal
pipe (temperature) input, it too will stay cool. However, at this
time of year the sun comes quickly. This will warm the leaf
surface and open the stomata, however, due to the cold root
zone, the plant is unable to transpire quickly enough, which
leads to the scorching.”
“We shall find out in autumn if we made a mistake or not”,
says Piet Hein, before remarking: “I’m not too worried.
ご回答、ありがとうございます!! そういう意味だったのですね! この一文だけを抜粋したので、訳が不自然になってしまいますね。 でも、本文に当てはめたら意味が通りました! 助かります! 本当にありがとうございました_(._.)_