• 締切済み


歌詞を訳したのですが、どうもおかしな文になってしまいます(汗)以下の歌詞の和訳をお願い致します(>_<)また、ロムニーさんについてご存知でしたら、歌の内容との関連性を教えて下さい。よろしくお願いしますm(__)m 【YouTube】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTCRwi71_ns&feature=youtube_gdata_player ※下記の歌詞がテロップありで見れます☆ 【歌詞】 ♪Mitt Romney style! ♪ Romney style! I got a horse in the Olympics girl But I don’t even watch ‘em In and out of tax loopholes tax Cause I’m so fuckin’ awesome Bitch it’s Friday night so we be benefit hoppin’ Bitch Check my con-spic-u-ous consumption I’ve got distinguished hair And a private jet that flies me way up in the air Buy and sell ya company with so much savoir-faire I bought a mansion for each one of my two dozen heirs Straight up millionaire Affluence! Extravagance! That’s Mitt (Hey!) That’s so Mitt (Hey!) Profits, investments! That’s Mitt! (Hey!) Yeah, that’s so Mitt! (Hey!) You should elect me! Cause I go so much mon-ay AY AY AY AY AY! Mitt Romney style! Romney style! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt Romney style! Hey, wealthy ladies! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt Romney style! Hey, wealthy ladies! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! (Paul Ryan break)I’m the VP nominee Yo budget I be cuttin’ I got the eyes and body So you know I’m gon’ be struttin I’ll cut ya social safety net You losers ain’t got nuthin Gotta stop snoozin Start hustlin (Back to Mitt Romney)I got large amounts In Swiss bank accounts Norris and Eastwood in my vacation house Norris Talkin’ wine and cheese Mad Ivy degrees Baby baby I got butlers just to wipe me You know what I’m sayin’! Hey, wealthy ladies! Hey, kissin’ babies!



途中まで和訳した人がいます。 もちろん、ロムニー大統領候補が大富豪であることを揶揄しているのです。 http://tetsuodog.exblog.jp/16671201/ さがせば、全部和訳している人もいるでしょうね。



