In the interview, Mr. McCain said, referring to tax cuts, “Whether they actually pay for themselves dollar for dollar, obviously there are differences in opinion.”
pay for themselves dollar for dollar,の構造を教えてください。
During his campaign, Mr. McCain has focused much more on spending than on taxes. He has called for the end of earmarks, which are pet projects inserted into spending bills by legislators.
専門的でなくて結構なのですが、end of earmarksとは何を指しているでしょうか。
earmarks are pet projectsというつながりになるようですが。
They are “a very small part of the budget,” he said, “but so symbolic” -- because they prevent politicians from having any credibility when they try to persuade the public about other budget cuts.
when they try to persuadeのtheyはpoliticiansのようですがThey are “a very small part of the budget, because theyのtheyはpet projectsでしょうか。
Pet projects prevent politicians from having any credibility when politicians try to persuade the public about other budget cuts.
こんなに早くリアクションをいただけるとは思いませんでした。感謝感謝です! なるほど、acquisitionはそういう意味ですね。 ありがとうございます。