(1)I have heard that the investigative period of corporations remaining anonymous is three months, from which month to which month is it?
Is there a way to check the name of this company?
(2)I have heard that the investigative period of corporations remaining anonymous is three months, from what month to what month is it?
and Is there a way to check the name of this company?
(3)I have heard that the investigative period of corporations remaining anonymous is three months, from what month to what month is it?
Is there a way of finding out the name of such corporations?
ありがとうございます。 >回答を読んでから書くように(2度目)。 読んだよ。 >そんなあてどもない話に付き合う人はいないと思うがね。 トピックが少しでも古くなると投げ出すのに、そう言って食いついて来るのが cosycube1さんですよね。 >まあ、蓼食う虫も好き好きではあるがね。さすがの俺も、もう食いたくはない。 自分で訳せるからわざわざ新たに質問を出すまでもないよ。 Well, there's no accounting for tastes, or there is even an insect which likes to eat knotweed, tracing a Japanese proverb. Even I don't want to eat it any more.