• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:※大至急※ 以下の日本文を英文に翻訳願います!)


  • 私は兄、そして両親がまだ元気なうちに孫を見せてあげたいんだ
  • 私は冷え性、生理不順、ストレスを感じやすいという妊娠しづらい体質だ
  • 35歳で結婚すると妊娠の可能性が難しくなる


  • ベストアンサー

ご参考まで。 I would like to have a child before my elder brother and parents get too old. My ex-boyfriend and I spent a year without using any contraceptions, as we wanted to have a baby and get married, but I didn't get pregnant. As my doctor told me, it might take longer for me to get pregnant. I suffer from a poor circulation and have irregular periods. I am also susceptible to stress. These are common features in women who have difficulties in getting pregnant. Moreover, the older you get, the harder it become to get pregnant. In fact, it took more than two years for the wife of my elder brother to get pregnant. You said, "it is best if we get married at 35". But do you really know what it means to us? If I marry you at 35, I am most likely to have difficulties in getting pregnant. That's the reason why I would like to get married soon. I would like to have time on my side.





その他の回答 (1)


While an older brother and parents are still cheerful, I want to show a grandchild With him who went together assuming marriage, one year passed without contraception in old days Though I overlooked the child, I did not become pregnant Though was said to a doctor; constitution のようだ which is hard to become pregnant which is typical in the case of me It is easy to feel poor circulation, a menstrual irregularity, stress Representative thing of the constitution that the pregnancy is hard to make And the pregnancy is the thing which it becomes hard to have as I repeat age By the way, the wife of the older brother appeared more than two years until I could become pregnant "35 years old marrying best" that you said Do you know what kind of thing it is? The possibility that I can become pregnant will become very difficult if I marry at 35 years old This is because "room" is necessary why I hurry marriage




