I am pining after thee
Through the window
I am watching thee
In the uniform
Which is familiar to me
I know thee
Every morning
I introduce myself
Which thou knowest not
This day is not
What yesterday was
I put an end
I will tell thee
All of my heart
A chain in my right hand
I will leave my house
My locks combed neat
A dress prepared
Everything is ready
Now I come to meet thee
I spent many a night
With my pillow wet with tears
This night is not
What last night was
Tears are flowing
Never having been in the sun
I am about to run
This is a special day
The sky is clear
I feel like dancing
Out of joy
Wonder if it becomes thee
This leathern choker
The key polished
A ring prepared
Everything is ready
O I will catch up with thee soon
Sound or unsound
I swear to thee for ever
if I should die
I will strangle thee
Softly lest it hurt thee
O another five steps
Unto thy back
I have caught thee
ありがとうございました! いつかまた機会があれば宜しくお願い致します^^
こんなに早く訳して頂けて嬉しいです! ありがとうございます! そして古語も使って頂けるなんて感激です!^^ 日本独特の言い回しだと思っていたのは古いだけだったのですね、 いやはやお恥ずかしいです^^; 「死んでも誓うわ」の「誓い」ですが この前からのフレーズで結婚式の契約の言葉かなと解釈してるので、 「誓い」を「愛」とすれば、やはりまた訳が変わってくるのでしょうか? わがままではありますが、もし宜しければお教え頂けると嬉しいです><