(b) The bees had black and yellow stripes with white bottoms. The type of bee was Bombus terrestris. The beehive was delivered from Koppert (UK).
The bees had black and yellow stripes and white bottoms. They were a type of bee called Bombus terrestris. The beehive was delivered from Koppert in the UK.
The bees had black and yellow stripes with white bottoms and belonged to the species Bombus terrestris. The beehive was delivered from Koppert, a company based in the UK.
The bees had black and yellow stripes with white bottoms. They were Bombus terrestris bees and the beehive was delivered from Koppert, a company located in the UK.
(b) The bees
The bees had black and yellow stripes with white bottoms. The type of bee was Bombus terrestris. The beehive was delivered from Koppert (UK).
(c) Training phase 1
To teach the bees to go to the Plexiglas rods as if they were flowers, all the circles in every panel were kept white, and all the rods had sugar water in them. Once the labelled foragers learned that the flowers contained a reward, which took four days, we marked the bees, and then set up the puzzle.
(d) Marking bees
We let the foragers into the arena and turned the lights off, which made the bees stop flying (because they do not want to fly into anything). We picked the bees up with bee tweezers and put them into a pot with a lid. We then put the tube with the bees in it into the school’s fridge (and made bee pie ).
The bees fell asleep. Once they fell asleep, we took the bees out, one at a time, and painted little dots on them (yellow, blue, orange, blue-orange, blue-yellow, etc.). We put them into the tube and warmed them up and then let them into the arena. No bees were harmed during this procedure.
(b) ハチ
(c) 訓練の第一段階
プロキシグラスのロッドに行くことを教えるために(ことは),各パネルの全ての円が白に保たれたとき全てのロッドはその中に砂糖水がある. 印をつけた働きバチは一回,4日をかけて花のもっている褒美(蜜)を学んだ.私たちはこのハチに印をつけ,(そして)パズルを準備した.
(d) 印をつけたハチ
bakanskyさん kasudakoです.いつも丁寧に見て頂きとても恐縮しています. 今回もとても丁寧に見て頂きお礼の言葉が見つかりません. もう一度訳し直してみます. ありがとうございます.今後とも宜しくお願いします.