- 締切済み
下記の文章を英訳して貰えませんか。長文で面倒臭いと思うのですが、 よろしくお願いします!! 『あなたはポルトガル語も分かるの?凄いね!! あなたに送ったポルトガル語は昨日友達に教えて貰ったフレーズなんだよ。 あなたに次のメールで意味を伝えるつもりだったのに、 あなたが正確に内容を理解したのでビックリした。 友達に誰にこのフレーズを送るの?好きな人でも居るの?って聞かれて困ったよ。」 これを自然な英語にして欲しいです。
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
- ppp12
- ベストアンサー率55% (31/56)
You understand Portugeuese? I am impressed! The phrase in my e-mail was one my friend taught me yesterday. I was going to tell you what it means in my next e-mai. So I was suprised that you understood my message accurately. I was embarassed because my friend asked ''who are you sending this phrase to? Do you have a boyfriend?'' - - - - - - - - - - did you write the whole e-mail in Portugeuese or did you include one or more phrases...?
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
<訳例> Do you understand Portuguese, too? Great, aren't you? The email messages in Portuguese which I sent to you yesterday were the phrases which a friend of mine had taught me. I had intended to tell you what it meant in my next email. I was surprised to know you understood its content. I was so embarrassed because my friend asked me who I was going to send those phrases and whether I have a boyfriend or not.