あと11行目の、celebrity-worshiping consumer culture の箇所は「セレブを崇拝する消費文化」という訳でよろしいでしょうか?
(1)I think the paparazzi themselves are responsible for paparazzi problem.
The reason is even if the celebrities engage in scandalous behavior, maybe we the general public do such a behavior everywhere, everyday.
The celebrities do nothing whatever wrong.
(5)The celebrities' behavor seems to be wrong because of paparazzi.
However, big corporate media that buy the pictures are also responsible for this problem.
I think If they don't buy the puctures, a job paparazzi wil decrease because they can't make a living.
The individuals who buy and read the magazines are also a little responsible for the problem.
Buying or reading magazines result in feeding paparazzi indirectly.
(10)We the general public are always looking forward to seeing paparazzi, including me.
In short, our celebrity-worshiping consumer culture leads to the problems.
I think all problems about paparazzi are caused by this culture.
So maybe as long as this culture exsists, the paparazzi will exist.