Dear kachan48,
You have successfully registered as affiliate on FilePost.com.
Your FilePost.com account login is(アドレス)
If you have any questions about the affiliate program and your account
settings, we recommend you to visit our Support Center and review Frequently
Asked Questions: ○○○
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We are happy to work together with you!
Sincerely Yours,
Filepost Teamと来ました。次も同じ人から
Dear kachan48,
You have successfully registered at FilePost.com file hosting service. Feel
free to log into your account using the following credentials:
If you have any questions about our service, we recommend you to visit our
Support Center and review Frequently Asked Questions:
Please do not reply to this letter, it was created automatically. If you
have any questions contact our support team at
Sincerely Yours,
Filepost Teamと来ました。OOOはURLです。
回答、ありがとうございます。 下記の例文が辞書に載っていましたが、「inquire」の場合、後ろに「about」がついている上記「2。」の文章は、一応間違いでは無いと言う事ですか? -----文----- ・He inquire (of me) when the movie would begin. ・I will inquire how to get there. ・inquire about the train schedule. ------------