• 締切済み


WIPOから英文でThe WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center has received your complaint relating to the following domain name(s): K-○○○.COM Further information about the case, will be communicated to you by email shortly. Any further questions about the procedure may be directed to domain.disputes@wipo.int. というメールが来ました。 添付ファイルにもなにやらわからないことが記載してあります。 このままほっておくとドメインの権利をはく奪されるのでしょうか? 英語はわかりません。


  • Toshi0230
  • ベストアンサー率51% (836/1635)

ざっと見てみましたが、手続きの方法、期限、費用について書いてあるようです。 ちなみに、期限は1/30で、この期限を過ぎると"Default"、つまり回答不履行と判断されるようです。 費用は$2000とありますね。 ドメイン名を登録したレジストラに対応を相談されてみてはいかがでしょう?






回答ありがとうございます。感謝します。 登録レジストラからの回答は「ご自分でお願いします。」との冷たい返答でした。ちゃんとしたところに頼むべきだったと後悔してます。

  • 123admin
  • ベストアンサー率52% (1167/2225)

>The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center このメールが本当にWIPOから来ているかが問題です。 メールのヘッダーを確認して置いた方が良いでしょう。 メアドを偽装してのスパムや誘導メールは後を絶ちませんからね。 @wipo.int.って本物なら最後の.はいらないのでは? 世界知的所有権機関 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E7%9F%A5%E7%9A%84%E6%89%80%E6%9C%89%E6%A8%A9%E6%A9%9F%E9%96%A2 英語版 http://www.wipo.int/portal/index.html.en 日本語版 http://www.wipo.int/pct/ja/ 警告:WIPO国際事務局以外の者からの手数料請求書について http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/pct/ja/docs/warning.pdf



回答ありがとうございます。 ヘッダ情報は確かみたいです。添付ファイルにあった文章が下記のとおりです。 the Policy, Rules and Supplemental Rules. Payment in the required amount to the Center has been made by the Complainant. 4. Commencement of Administrative Proceeding. In accordance with Rules, Paragraph 4(c), the formal date of the commencement of the administrative proceeding is January 10, 2008. 5. Deadlines. Within 20 calendar days from the date of commencement of this administrative proceeding (see paragraph 4 above) you must submit to the Complainant and to us a Response according to the requirements that are described in Rules, Paragraph 5 and the Supplemental Rules. The last day for sending your Response to the Complainant and to us is January 30, 2008. This is also the last date by which you should make any required payments to us if you choose to designate a three-member Administrative Panel (see paragraphs 7 and 9 below). In filing your Response, you may refer to the Model Response and filing guidelines made available on the Center's website (http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/respondent/index.html). 6. Default. If your Response is not sent by the above date, you will be considered in default. We will still appoint an Administrative Panel to review the facts of the dispute and to decide the case. The Administrative Panel will not be required to consider a late-filed Response, but will have the discretion to decide whether to do so and, as provided for by Rules, Paragraph 14, may draw such inferences from your default as it considers appropriate. There are other consequences of a default, including no obligation on our part to consider any designations you have made concerning the appointment of the Administrative Panel or to observe any guidelines you have provided concerning case-related communications. 7. Administrative Panel. The dispute between you and the Complainant will be decided by an Administrative Panel consisting of either one or three impartial and independent decision-makers. The Complainant in this administrative proceeding has elected for an Administrative Panel consisting of a single panelist. If you would also like the case to be decided by a single panelist, the appointment of that panelist will be made by us from our published list of panelists (http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/panel), unless you and the Complainant first inform us that you have come to an agreement on the identity of the single panelist. The fees for the administrative proceeding will be paid in their entirety by the Complainant. Despite the Complainant’s designation of a single panelist, you can choose to have the case decided by an Administrative Panel consisting of three persons. If you choose this option, you will be required to pay half of the applicable fees for the administrative proceeding (see paragraph 9 below). The payment must be made at the time you submit your Response. Failure to submit the required payment at that time may, along with other considerations, be taken as grounds for proceeding with a single panelist.

  • Toshi0230
  • ベストアンサー率51% (836/1635)

直訳すれば: WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center は以下のドメインに対するあなたの苦情申し立てを受理しました: K-○○○.COM この問題に関する詳細はe-mailで近いうちに連絡します。手続きについての御質問は、domain.disputes@wipo.int. に向けてください。 となりますので、最初の通知メールのようですね。 ドメインの紛争に関わったことはないので詳細は判りませんが、黙っていて良い結果になるとは思えません。該当ドメインを所持されているのでれば、添付ファイルの内容を至急確認されたほうがよいでしょう。



回答ありがとうございます。添付ファイルの内容です。上の続きです。 If you choose a three person Administrative Panel and make the required payment when you submit your timely Response, you should indicate the names and contact details of three persons in order of preference in your Response. These three persons can be selected from our published list or that of any other ICANN-accredited dispute resolution service provider (​http://www.icann.org/udrp/approved-providers.htm).​ We will try to appoint one of the three persons you have nominated to the Administrative Panel. If we are unsuccessful, we shall make an appropriate appointment from our published list. If you choose a three-member Panel, but do not provide us with the names and contact details of any candidates, we shall make the appointment from our published list. Please note that if you choose a three-member Panel, the Complainant will be requested also to provide the names of three candidates, who can be taken from our published list or that of any other ICANN-accredited dispute resolution service provider. We will try to appoint one of these three persons to the Administrative Panel. If we are unsuccessful, we shall make an appropriate appointment from our published list. If the Complainant does not provide us with the names of its candidates, we shall make the appointment from our published list. If the case is to be decided by a three-member Administrative Panel, you and the Complainant will be contacted concerning the procedures for the appointment of the Presiding Panelist (i.e., the third panelist). 8. Communications. Your Response should be communicated to us according to the requirements of Rules, Paragraph 5(b) and Supplemental Rules, Paragraph 3 (i.e., original and four sets of hardcopy and by e-mail). All case-related filings or submissions to the Center after the submission of your Response should be made according to Supplemental Rules, Paragraph 3(a). The e mail address to use for both purposes is domain.disputes@wipo.int. In your Response you should indicate where and how you would like us to send case-related communications to you. Please provide only a single postal address, fax number and e-mail address for you or, if applicable, your authorized representative for the dispute, otherwise we will use our discretion as to which contact details we will use. All communications that are required to be made to the Complainant under the Rules and Supplemental Rules, including your Response, should be made according to the contact details and method(s) specified in the Complaint. Questions about your case, or other general queries may be e-mailed to domain.disputes@wipo.int. 9. Fees. In accordance with Rules, Paragraph 5(c), payment to us in the following amount must be made at the time of the submission of your Response, if you designate a three-member Administrative Panel: US $2000 Payment methods and other relevant details can be found in Annex D of the Supplemental Rules. Please identify in your Response the method by which payment is made. If you do not submit the required payment to us, we shall proceed to appoint a single-member Administrative Panel.

