Having sought to give a naturalistic explanation of observable phenomena, rather than appealing to the wills of gods, Thales claimed that god is in all things. According to Aetius, Thales said the mind of the world is god, that god is intermingled in all things, a view that would shortly appear contemporaneously in a number of world religions, most notably Buddhism in India.
rather than appealing to the wills of gods, Thales claimed that god is in all things.というのは、どういうことを言っているのでしょうか?
Thales said the mind of the world is god, that god is intermingled in all things, a view that would shortly appear contemporaneously in a number of world religions, most notably Buddhism in India.
この英文のthat godのthatは、その、という意味ですか?それとも、saidがあってthat以下を述べた、ということですか?
また、全体の構造がわからないのですが、(とりわけa view that would shortly ~以下の全体への繋がりについて)
a view~と、most notably Buddhismはその前にあるin all things と並列になっているのでしょうか?
in a view~
in most notably Buddhism~
並列だとしてin all things と言ってて、in a view となるのがわかりません。
all viewsにはならないのでしょうか?