The finding that intelligence is a single unitary trait measured by a global IQ score is outdated and rejected by most developmental psychologists.
Intelligence consists of multiple distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability.
These abilities should not be combined into one global score because they are relatively independent and have different patterns of change through the life span.
Another problem is that the finding was based on a conception of “intelligence” that most developmental psychologists now reject. Specifically, the finding was from studies in which a single global IQ score was the only measure of a person’s intelligence. It is now known that intelligence is not a single unitary trait, but rather consists of several distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability. The fact that these abilities are relatively independent suggests that they should not be limped together into one global score. Another reason not to combine them is that they seem to depend to different degrees on heredity. Finally, and of most importance to developmental psychologists, different abilities exhibit different patterns of change through the life span.
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