Only when you fall in love with a man is your destiny truly decided for a fixed length of time. This fixed length of time may be presently, all your life, or for as along as a long relationship lasts. When you fall in love your spirit attaches to the fate inescapably, your drawn unconsciously like a moth to the light and you are propelled towards whatever destiny is there at the end of it. Be it beautiful or painful. This takes place on an etheric level. Its is a bit like boarding a train and not being able to get off before it reaches its predetermined station. There is a point before you board the train when the future is not formed, when you haven't stepped onto that path, and a point after your board the train when you cant step off and are compelled to remain there to a destination, this point is determined and becomes a destiny when you fall in love. your spirit attaches to this fate yet.
If you don't fall in love, or if the love within you is destroyed you then move on to a different fate.
丁寧に教えて下さってありがとうございます。 「運命は生まれる前から決まっている」 これを表現するのにこれほど多くの表現方法があるのですね! 驚きました。と同時に英語がもっと好きになりました。 また宜しくお願い致します。