主節は仮定法過去完了でif 節は過去時制の直説法?
With the explosion of telecommunications in our modern world, we now have more TV channels than ever before, including some which broadcast only news, 24 hours a day, from all corners of the planet. In the not-too-distant past, if a boy in Hokkaido killed his parents, it would have been big news in his area but probably not in Kyushu. By contrast, now such a crime would surely be reported nationwide and perhaps in some other countries, as well.
第2文は「主節は仮定法過去完了の文でありながら、挿入された従属のif 節が過去時制の直説法」になっているように私には見えます。
(1) この解釈で正しいでしょうか?
(2) もし正しいとすると、「」内のパターンは時に見られるものでしょうか?